Percy Jackson​ and the Mocking of the Gods

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I watched as Jason collapsed to the ground. My feet were pulled out from under me and I screamed "No!". The rusty box shut and clattered down to the ground. I managed to secure my grip on it before I was dragged away by the unseen force attached to my leg.

My face and arms got scraped and bled as I was yanked across the forested ground.

I was pulled under a low branch and my head collided with it with an unsettling thunk. My vision began to blur as the box slipped from my hands. A few seconds later I blacked out.

I woke up in a cold, dark place. I was curled up on the ground with my arms bound firmly around my body. The only light was coming from a barred skylight, casting it's light only on me.

Needless to say, I felt stupid. Stupid for letting Jason's ability get taken, stupid for losing the box, stupid for getting captured and not even knowing why. Just stupid.

I struggled to my feet and yanked forward. I was pulled right back down to the ground by a chain connected to my restraints.

Heavy footprints echoed in the darkness, they become louder and louder until a tall, blonde man was standing in front of me. He had a scruffy chin and waistcoat that almost touched the floor. "Welcome, Perseus Jackson" he bent down slightly to smirk at me.

"That is beyond creepy" I muttered.

He ignored me and continued talking like the stereotypical villain he was. "I am Zeus, and we are the gods" he gestured outwards and eleven more figures stepped out of the dark.

"Why the hell am I here?"I snapped up at Zeus. "Hush, plebeian. All we want is the abilities in your little camp" he said and placed the rusty turquoise box in front of me. "I thought I lost they in the forest" I said. "Yeah, I had to go get it" a burly man barked, "what a workout that must have been, muscle head" I retorted. The man just growled at me.

Zeus continued, "we needed a way to take all your little 'quirks', and what better what than with this", he patted the box.

"Of course all of us are wanted, the SPQR has been trying​ to corner us and find your camp for nearly a decade! So we decided to make it one of your foolish quests. Now, originally we had planned for you to be cannon fodder along with the rest of those imbeciles. We thought that if we sent enough of you fools then someone was bound to succeed, but something has changed."

Zeus leaned his ugly face towards me and gave me an evil grin. "Your power is so ingenious we didn't even realize it until just recently. On the outside your ability is so weak that not even an inanimate power vacuum wanted it!" He announced almost proudly. I growling and snapped at him, almost biting his nose off, but his crazed expression never faltered.

"My boy, you have the ability to convey your emotions through sound. You can even affect inanimate objects. I would snatch it from you right now, but you're our precious bait, and it'll be more useful if you have it"

His devilish grin had been burned into my mind at this point and all I could do was scowl at him.

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