Jason Grace, Frozen Flowers, and Other Unusual Wonders

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Don't play music yet

I spent most of my first day at camp wandering around aimlessly and before I knew it, it was evening. I had met an elf boy named Leo who told the worst jokes. Since he was apt least two feet shorter than me he had to jog to keep up with me. "Jason!" He squeaked behind me and I picked him up, holding him out so his legs dangled uselessly.

"Here kitty kitty!" I heard from somewhere to my left and turned to see a girl with cinnamon colored hair scoping the camp calling "Here kitty kitty kitty! Meow meow!"

"There you are!" She exclaimed when she saw me. "I've looked everywhere for you". I was slightly offended. "I'm Piper, Percy sent me" she said extending a hand for me to shake. I hesitantly took it and immediately yanked my hand back as a burning sensation sent my brain into overdrive.

"who's Percy?" I said while blowing on my burning hand. "The guy you crushed​ earlier" she replied and I remembered the nervous boy I almost killed.

"Follow me, I'll show you where dinner is" she instructed and led me to a wide pavilion where all the campers were crowded together at picnic tables.

As I stepped forward I heard a crunch beneath my foot and looked down to see a purple flower laced with frost.

I looked to my side and saw a blonde girl with gray eyes standing among more of the frozen flowers. "Jason?" Piper asked, and peaked her head around the pavilion. "Annabeth! She cried happily when she saw the grey eyes girl and ran to throw her arms around her neck.

The frost on the flowers melted away and Piper pulled Annabeth over to me. Piper placed a hand in my bare arm and I flinched, expecting to get burned.

When nothing happened I looked to Piper for an explanation. "Since Annabeth is ice and I'm fire, we balance each other out" she told me proudly and pulled the two of us into the pavilion.

Piper led me to a table where Leo, Thalia, and several other people were already sitting.

"Everyone, this is Jason!" She announced and one by one each person introduced themselves.

"I'm Hazel" said the girl with chocolate colored hair, "this is my boyfriend Frank!" The boy she called Frank began to blush in a way that usually wouldn't suit someone his size. "Name's Rachel" the red head girl said and offered her hand to shake. I took it, still kind of wary of handshakes from strangers. "Nico" was all the reply I got from the boy in black. "Oh yeah, the guy wearing the pink apron over there is Grover" Leo said snickering and pointing to a ridiculous looking guy who was having a heated argument with someone about the proper texture of pancakes.

"Jason here is part cat" Piper said, petting my hair. I brushed her hand off and she continued, "Frank is part wolf, Hazel has enhanced hearing, Leo is a little elf man, Annabeth is ice, I'm fire, Rachel is a literal hypnotist, and Nico the death boy can manipulate plant life. Ironic huh?"

I sat down and Piper added, "it's actually kind of sad". "What do you mean?" I asked.

"This is a camp to train warriors with inhuman qualities and powers, but not everyone actually gets a chance to go on quests" she looked over to where Grover​ was happily walking around with a tray of food. "All of our abilities are actually considered pretty weak, people wouldn't want to do anything with Annabeth or I for obvious reasons, no one really takes Hazel's power seriously, Rachel acts as camp therapist, Grover is a cook, Nico is (somehow) a part time gardener, Leo is a blacksmith, Frank is an animal caretaker, and Percy is a performer"

"Performer?" I asked, "sometimes dinner is like a festival, just wait" she replied.

After a while of people just chatting and eating a tall man walked out into the little stage area in the pavilion. "For today's announcements, we have two new campers who will be staying in the Zeus cabin" People began to murmur.

"What's so weird about it?" I asked Piper. "In Greek mythology Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were the three most powerful gods. So naturally, the people in the cabins named after them would be expected to be the strongest. However Nico and Hazel are the only people in the Hades cabin, Percy is the​ only person in the Poseidon cabin, and so far you and your sister are the only people in the Zeus cabin. People kind of wonder what whoever assigns cabins is thinking" she said and I nodded, "that guy's Chiron btw" she added quickly"

"Since we have new campers joining us we're going to party" Chiron said giving me a kind of sketchy first impression. People cheered and clapped.

A boy, Percy to be exact, stepped out onto the little stage next to Chiron and smiled. He was shirtless and dressed like a gypsy with purple cloths and small, thin, golden disks dangling from the fabric. Which was strangely attractive.

Play song 🎵

As the music started he began to shake his hips, the metal disks clicking. He adjusted perfectly to the music and spun back and forth quickly.

His motions perfectly matched the music and how I'd see a gypsy dancing.

People clapped and cheered, it felt as if at any moment someone would actually throw gold coins at him. At the same time it felt sureal, it felt strange that I was watching someone my age performing like we were adults and as if he were below everyone else.

In a way I guess that was how this camp worked. The powerful campers who went on quests were the 'rich people of society' and the less powerful campers and people who worked more normal jobs were automatically below the others.

He somehow made everything around him fade into slow motion so that he was the only thing I could focus on.

As the music faded he struck one last pose and people clapped and cheered to him.

As they began going back to their own activities background music began to play and Percy walked off stage and down to the table where everyone was sitting. As he sat down, the previously unsociable Nico hung himself over Percy's back like a child.

"Is that normal?" I whispered to Piper. "Pretty much!" she said while chewing a bite of food so it sounded more like "Pwey muff!", She swollowed "Percy is like an older brother to Nico, especially since Nico lost his older sister"

"Hey Jason~", Thalia cooed "maybe you'll actually get a boyfriend now that you're not the only weirdo around" she said elbowing me. "Thalia" I hissed and a voice at the table asked "boyfriend?" I looked up to see the whole table staring at me. Oh no, they're going to reject me because I'm gay and I'll forever be the bipolar gay guy with no friends. "Y-yeah" I managed to say, "Cool, welcome to the club!" Piper said giving me a painful slap on the back.

"Huh?" I asked. "All of us, except for Frank, Hazel, and Rachel, are gay or lesbian. Me and Annie are actually dating now" she said grinning like an idiot.

Maybe camp wouldn't be so bad after all.

1239 words!!!

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