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Dustin's pov

Okay, so I thought I've heard and seen some weird things in my life, but hearing that El is alive and that her and Mike are both in the upside down at the same time is a lot to take in. After what Will said, neither me or Lucas question him. He probably gained some connection, or even some super powers, after he got back from the upside down. He even had a nose bleed, just like Eleven. I think our first clue to getting them out is will. I think that he is a huge part in solving another mystery that lies within that dark alternate dimension. Right now, all we're worrying about is how we're going to get Mike and Eleven out of there. And the first place we're going in none other than Nancy Wheeler's bedroom.

"I'll go up, I think she likes me. I even offered her pizza one time, sausage and pepperoni," I say, as we grab our things and make our way outside. We couldn't just go up the stairs, because Karen and Ted are here. I wanted to sneak upstairs and grab some food, but if they saw me, I would have to make up some fake excuse as to why I'm here and what I'm doing.  Luckily, I found a box of eggos and Nilla wafers in the basement, which I munch on as we sneak out of the back door. This whole thing with Mike has had my heart beating 589 beats per minute for 6 hours straight, which probably is not healthy. Hopefully we can bring him back before his mom finds out and she has a heart attack. The last thing we need is for her to end up like Will's mom was just last year. He never really convinced her to let him come out at night, so every time we do, he has to sneak out of his window. We come across the side of the house, and I look up at her window. And that's when I start attempting to climb. Maybe one of the worst mistakes of my life.

"Oh god," I mumble as I attempt to jump from the ground to the bottom of the roof. "I can't breathe."

Lucas and Will both attempt to push me up, and after a solid 3 minutes, they were finally able to do it. I crawl up to her window and see her looking through old pictures, probably of her and Barb. I slowly tap on her window, attempting not to scare her, but that doesn't work. She turns around in .2 seconds, gasps, and throws the pictures up in the air. After she realizes that it's just me, she gets up and opens the window.

"Dustin? It's already 9pm. What are you doing at my bedroom window?" She asks.
"We kinda need your help. It's a lot to explain, so, can I um, come in?" I ask, and she just rolls her eyes. I try to push myself up through the window, but when that doesn't work, I just decide I'll stay out here. "Never mind," I mumble, an continue on with the story.

"Okay, so have you been noticing strange things going on with Mike lately?" I ask, and she nods.
"Yeah, we've been really close since last year. But recently it's like he's becoming insane, with his nightmares and hallucinations. I just don't know what to do about it, and I know that nothing will change unless Eleven comes back. He just can't accept the fact that she's dead."
"Well," I say, not knowing how to put this. "He sort of had a breakdown earlier after school, saying El was alive and he had to find her. Then he started arguing with himself and ran off into the woods. We were expecting him to turn around, but he never did. And now it's been 6 hours. We were in the basement looking for any signs of where he could've gone, and Will said he was in the upside down with Eleven."

She just blankly stares at me for a second, and then I see the realization wash over her. "Oh my god," she mutters, as tears gloss over her eyes. "Mike, he's..."
"Trapped," I say, resting my elbow on her window frame and putting my hand on my forehead. "They're both trapped."

. . .

"Okay, so the first thing we need to do is find Hopper," I say, as Nancy gets on her yellow bike. She doesn't start pedaling. Instead, she just stares at the ground.  "He'll definitely know what to do."
"Wait," Nancy says, averting her gaze from the ground to Will. "How does he know where Mike and Eleven are?"

"I saw them," Will says, and this just makes me more confused than I should be. "Sometimes, I have flashbacks to the upside down. It's like I'm transported there for a few seconds, and I can't do anything about it. But if I strain my brain hard enough, it'll bring me back here. That's why my nose was bleeding. The flashbacks are usually just set in another version of where I'm standing at the moment, but right then, I had a different one. I saw Mike propped up against a tree, with Eleven sleeping on top of him. I could tell it was the upside down, I know that place better than the back of my own hand. I could even feel the environment, and feel the toxic air burning my lungs. It was real, and it explains everything. This whole time, she was just trying to connect with him, and we thought he was insane."

Once again, Nancy just stares into space, into some nonexistent empty void. "If he got in through a gate, wouldn't there still be one that he could get back out of? When I went to the upside down, there was a gate that I used to get back to the real world. It would probably take a long time to close one, so he would be able to get back out. So what's stopping him?"

"Wait, you went to the upside dow-" I start, but Will cuts me off.

"I don't think he went through a gate. I think she brought him there, and all of the gates are destroyed. Think for a minute. Who has the power to open and close gates? Who would trap a telepathic girl in another dimension? Who had forced the telepathic girl to open the gate in the first place?"

All of us are silent, as we share looks with each other. We're onto something again, and I'm having complete dejavu.

First, we are going to find Chief Hopper.
Then, we're going to break into Hawkins National Laboratory.



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