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I look at the doorknob of my front door, wondering if I should go in. Everything that's happened, everything that I've been through in these past few days, all feels like a dream. More like a nightmare.

I sigh and sit on the chair of our front porch, trying not to think about anything.  I don't want to think about Gracie or Mike or Eleven. I don't want to think about my friends who are all suffering. I don't want to think about her. It only causes me more pain.
She just made me feel, I don't know, happy. Even in such a dark place. Like I wasn't alone. And I'll admit it, I liked her. I liked her a lot.

Now she's just gone.

And I feel alone again.

By now, I've run out of tears. I feel the stiffness of my face from the mixture of wetness and the cold air, making me feel even worse. I feel like the universe wants me to be alone, with no friends, and a life full of suffering. I feel like I was never destined to be happy, no matter how hard I try.

I want to smile, but even my disease makes it different. The universe is torturing me more than those people at Hawkins Lab ever could have.

No, I don't go to the door. I don't get up from the chair. I don't cry nor think about it.
All I can do is stare strait ahead, until this unruly path of life comes to an end.


I scream as they drag me down the halls, finally releasing me from the dark room that I've spent hours in, now alone. They're probably only taking me to somewhere worse, somewhere where I'll feel even more lonely. We were so close, but I didn't make it.
All I could think about was a good life with Dustin, and now the hope for that is gone. I thought about us becoming best friends, maybe something even more. I thought about us eating lunch together with all of his friends, holding hands in the school hallways. I thought about us living happily, despite what we've been through. My thoughts had been interrupted by the feeling of strong arms pulling me back, the sight of his face as he looked back at me, and the sound of the closing doors that separated me from him and my freedom. I knew him for two days, but it feels like I knew him for a lifetime. All I can hope is that he doesn't come back for me.

"Let me go!" I scream, kicking at their legs. I know it won't do anything, but why not try. "What is wrong with you all! What did I ever do-"
Before I can say anything else, a gag is wrapped around my mouth and I am being placed into a big chair. They strap my arms to the sides of it, and shine a light in my face. I try to kick my legs around, but they strap those down too. I basically have no more hope. Who knows, I could die in here. I kind of hope I die in here if I can't make it out.

The two men walk out of the room, and in walks a young man. He has a bit of a mustache, and only looks about seventeen. His eyes are still filled with cruelty, that's something you definitely can't miss about him.

"Hello, I am an assistant of the new doctor. I am here to help you, to give you the key to unlock so many secrets that lie deep within you. I know you are powerful, and if you allow us to do so, we can unleash it. I know that you are aware of the truth, and we are to. Just trust us, and we will give you everything." He walks up to me, pulling the gag off my mouth. I resist the urge to spit on him.

"Just tell me what you want," I say, done with all the bull he's putting down.

"We want you to be, um, a trial. If you allow us to run a few tests, then we will reward you with so many things. Anything you want. Even revenge on your beloved sister's death," He says with a slight smirk.

"You can take everything you just said," I say, "and shove it down your own throat. I am not going to be a toy that you play with in your little 'science experiments.' I know what happened to your last one, and so god help me, I am not going to end up like her. You ruined her chance of living. You took everything away from a child, including her happiness. Dustin told me everything, and now that he's escaped, I bet he'll bring back an army. Your little lab won't last for long," I say, confidence running throughout my veins. I feel like I've got him under my grasp, until he just scoffs.

"You really think we just let all of those idiots go? The boy might have his memory, but the rest don't even know who he is. They are living normal lives with no memory of the past, and it's better that way. They'll probably just think he's insane. Now, let me restate this, you are going to allow us to experiment on you. Trust me, it will be worth it in the end."

"On my dead body," I spit, and he just shrugs.

"So be it."

He walks over to a cabinet, opens it up, and reveals shelves and shelves of torture devices. Everything from electrocution devices to syringes. My face immediately goes red, my expression blank, and my mind full of fear.

"Oh, I've just realized that I made a mistake. I never meant to say that you are going to 'allow' us to do anything."

With that, he walks back over to me, puts the gag back over my mouth, and begins to bring to me the never-ending pain.


She was just there. We were together. I was just in the upside down, only 5 seconds ago. And now I'm in my backyard.
I look up at the sky, at the ground, and in every direction. I begin to scream her name, knowing she's not going to answer. She transported me back to the real world. She set me free, and she's still trapped. Probably passed out with no energy, no company, and no one to help her. I know that she won't bring me back, and I know that I may never see her again. I don't care that I'm back. To be honest, I didn't want to come back. She did it for me, but I didn't want her to. All I wanted was my El. Why can't I just keep her?

No, I don't walk into the basement. The only thing I do is fall to my knees, crying, wailing. She's gone. I can't believe I lost her again.

I've given up hope. My life will never be okay without her. I would have rather spent it in the upside down. I want this to be over. Why can't it be over?

I want my life to end. My life was like a flower, and it just happened to get picked. And now, as it sits in the vase filled with water that hasn't been replaced in a year, it begins to lose its petals.



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