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"Sarah," I groan, my voice weak from starvation. "Sarah, it's been nearly three days, I think. We need to see if the others are here. They have to be."

She opens her eyes, the small, floating white flakes in the air illuminating her crystal ocean irises. She seems just as torn down as I, with sunken cheeks, dark circles, and bloodshot eyes. "I...can't," she mutters, closing her eyes again.

"No, Sarah we have to. It's our only chance of surviving," I reply, my chest burning more with each word, each breath. "You stay here. I'll go look for the others. They have to be somewhere," I say, beginning to painfully get up, but she grabs my arm. "You're not going alone, it's too dangerous," she says, her voice hoarse.

"Sarah, you haven't eaten in days. You're too weak right now. I still feel like I can go a little ways. Just-"

"Will, stop," she cuts me off. "This isn't some game of Dungeons and Dragons. You could get killed by whatever took us. You have to understand that this is real, and we have to go together! I'm not leaving you, and you're not leaving me. Got it?" She asks, tears brimming like glass in her eyes. "Whatever we do, we do together," she finishes, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. I slowly stand up, pulling her with me, and her weight immediately falls onto my shoulders. She winces in pain, not adapted to the feeling of actually supporting her mass. I put my arm around her waist and she closes her eyes, letting herself fall back onto me. "Are you sure you can do this," I ask, and she nods. "Just shut up and start walking."

I do as I'm told, slowly leading her through the winding paths of this strange cave. "Who would've thought?" She asks, limping her way through this endless labyrinth that we've gotten ourselves trapped in. "They boy and girl who came back to life."

I look at her, noticing the pain in her that she's trying to hide with a small smile. I smile back down at her, pulling her tighter towards my chest. "Who would've thought?"

And then we see it.

It's as if in an instant, everything goes from okay to horrible. Laughter turns to screams, happiness turns to terror. The smiles that were on our faces just moments before are replaced with the most horrific expression I've ever held.

It's as if in an instant, a painted window shatters, revealing the ugly world behind it.


"Are you okay?" I ask the strange girl with no hair. She just stares at me, breathing heavily. I see her shiver, and notice that all she's wearing is an oversized yellow t-shirt. "Here, take my coat," I say, taking it off and placing it over her shoulders."

"Mike, what are you doing?" Lucas whispers. "She's cold and lost. We can just take her back to my place," I say, beginning to walk back with my bike. "Dude, I think you're losing it," Dustin remarks, and I look at him. "Come on, she might have something to do with Will. This couldn't have just been a coincidence," I argue, and they don't say anything else.

"So, where did you come from," I ask the girl, but she doesn't reply. She just stares straight ahead. "You don't have to talk, it's okay. I'll take you back to my house and we can get you some clean clothes. Does that sound good?" I ask her, and she looks over at me. The corner of her mouth twitches up, giving me a small, thankful smile, and I smile back. There's something about this girl that's... different. I just have a feeling that she's special in one way or another.

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