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No, not again.
Will, he's gone.
It's happening again.
It'll never stop.
When will we free from this curse.

Chaos fills the once peaceful room. I don't move, I don't avert my gaze from the door ahead of me. My hand grips El's, trying to calm her, but I can tell that she just wants to scream.
I try not to focus on the cries, on the screams, on the pure sounds of terror coming from the people in this room. I try not to pay attention to my mother's quick stomps down the stairs as she asks what happens.

I try not to focus on anything, but I've figured out that it's impossible. My mind is more chaotic than this room. All the gears of my brain are out of control. And that's when I realize how bad this situation is.

I was finally cured. Everything was okay. My insanity was gone. I had El back, I had my life back.

Thats the thing, a familiar voice in my head says. I try to destroy it, to demolish it. I know it's not real.
Get out of my head, I say, in the most demanding voice possible. El let's go of my hand and grabs my face, pointing it towards hers, but I immediately repel. The voices, all of them, are back. And they're so loud. I feel like my brain is about to implode. I feel like my ears are about to burst.
Aw, darling, you know I won't leave. I'm the big Man, with a capital M. I'm fear. I'm anger. I'm in all of your nightmares, even in your thoughts.
I'm insanity.
I feel my body hit the floor. I can't even hear my screams because the voices in my head are too loud. My throats feels like it's on fire, my lungs filling with lava.
Why me? Is the last thing I ask, before all thoughts leave my mind. I can't feel anything except for the tingling of El's touch on my body and the pain within my mind.
Why you? It asks. You chose me, young man. You got yourself into this situation.
You deserved it.

Everything goes blank. I can still hear a ringing sound in my ears, although the voice was just in my head. I can't really think, or feel. I can't do anything at all. I begin to wonder if those words were the last I'll ever hear.

In the situation I've gotten myself into, I kind of hope that those were the last words I'll ever hear. Dying would be the easy way out of this.

And I don't think you know how bad I would like to get out of this.


"Oh my God."

Sarah is sobbing in the corner of the room, Max is pacing with tears running down her face, Gracie is gripping onto my hand like her life is depending on it, Lucas is sitting down with his face in his hands, Mike is passed out on the ground with El and Karen on top of him, and Will is nowhere to be seen.

In an instant, he was gone.

That's when everyone started screaming and crying. That's when all hell broke loose.

Mike, he's gone. After talking to himself, falling onto the floor, trashing, and screaming, he's now passed out. His ears are bleeding for some reason, and his face is tomato red.

And me? I feel like the whole world is falling into an endless oblivion. The sounds around me become muffled, my feelings are absent, my mind is gone. I close my eyes, hoping to escape, but it becomes even worse. The most dangerous thing is being left alone with your own thoughts, and that's exactly what I'm doing.


My eyes open up, and I'm filled with confusion. Gracie is in front of me, shaking my shoulders. Mike, El, and his mom are nowhere to be seen. Lucas is in the corner with his head in his hands. Sarah and Max are gone.

"Dustin, I understand this is crazy and horrible, but we have to go," she says, and I just nod. I begin to get up, but something catches my eye. I stop in my tracks and stare at the view finder in the floor beside Will's seat. "What is it?" Gracie asks. I slowly walk towards it and pick it up. "Lucas, get over here," I yell, examining the small black device with film sticking out of the top. I look at it, and I notice the small print words:

Property of Will Byers

"What do you think this could show us? His brother is a photographer. It might just be random pictures," gracie says, and I shake my head.
"It's worth a shot. We don't know if anything was going on or not. Even random pictures could tell us something."

I slowly put the device up to my eyes, like binoculars, and find the first picture to be one of Will's drawings. His character, the Wizard, is shooting fireballs at an army of woolybogs. The next is a drawing of the characters in some dark place gathered around the wizard casting a protection spell. The next picture is a drawing of the wizard in front of Castle Byers, pointing his wand at some unknown creature. The next picture is a close up of the demogorgon, which I have no idea how he got. And it keeps getting worse.

There is a picture of Barbara Holland, Gracie's sister, dead with a slug coming out of her mouth. I quickly click the button, taken aback my the graphic image. The next picture is of all 8 of us in a dark, empty room. These have to be real pictures, but I have no idea how he put them on this view finder. Some of us look angry, the rest sad. In the next picture, Will is gone. After that, Sarah is gone. Then Lucas, then Max, then me, then Gracie. Mike and El are the only ones left. Mike slowly starts to sink to his knees, his face becoming more insane in every picture. As I keep clicking through the pictures, El gets further away from him. When El is finally no where to be seen, Mike is on the ground with his mouth wide open and his hands grabbing his hair, like he's screaming. I don't want to keep clicking, but I know I have to. The next picture is of all of us, except Mike and El, laying in a circle. Barb is there too, making seven. We look dead, like corpses, and I think we are. I look closer, and my heart skips a beat when I see a small slug somewhere on each of us. Mine is emerging from my stomach, Will's is in his hand. The next picture is of a creature, some seven headed creature, standing tall in the red sky. I only know it to be the thessalhydra. I click again, and see the first picture again.

I slowly bring the device down from my eyes, not noticing the tears that gracie was wiping from my cheeks. "What was it?" She asks, but I can't reply. "Dude, what was on that thing?" Lucas asks angrily, but I don't say a word.

He grabs it from my hands, puts it up to his face, and quickly flips through it. I can see the expressions on his face change, before he finally takes it down and shakily hands it to Gracie. After she's done with it, she begins to uncontrollably sob. "My sister," she says, and I grab her hand.

"I don't know what this is, or how he got these pictures, but it's telling us something. First Will disappeared, then Sarah. We have to find her, warn he-"

I suddenly can't speak when I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn to the bathroom door, but it's gone. I slowly get up and walk towards it, trying to tell myself that it was just my imagination. It has to be my imagination.

But, of course, it isn't.

Because a giant, six-inch slug is making its way down the sink drain as I find myself at a loss for words.

This story tho haha
But I'll finish this for you guys.
I love you all thanks for reading this crap


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