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The three children lie in their beds, as friends and loved ones await outside of the hospital room. Well, children is not the best way to describe them, for they have been through more than most adults would ever even dream of going through.

Two appeared in a coffin, one on the side of the road. Micheal Wheeler, Eleven, and Sarah Hopper. Yes, they are all alive, although each and every one of them were thought to be dead at some point in time. But no, they are very much alive but not so well, with heart monitors beeping and tubes pumping oxygen into their lungs.

How, you may ask?

Well, actually, answer to this is known by one person, but even they may not know how all of this came to be.



The first thing I hear is the beeping of machines all around me, the first thing I see is the blinding light above my head, and the first thing I feel is the cold tube touching my lips, and going down my throat.

I start to panic, and I hear some frantic voices around me. "He's awake!" "This is impossible!" "It was supposed to be months before he woke up!" "We were going to pull the chord tomorrow- how?"

The doctors carefully pull the tube out of my throat, and my body jerks forwards as I gasp for air.

They put their hands on my shoulders and ease me back down, but the sudden rehash of the events before this panics me even more. I would like to say that I remember nothing, that I have faint memories, just like a bad dream, but that would be a lie.

No, I remember everything.

"I'm dead- I died, but I'm h-here. And Eleve- she's alive! Where- how- I killed myself, monsters chasing me... Where is she?!"

The doctors take quick concerned glances before taking action on me. Let's just say that it didn't take them too long before I was tied up and marked "Mentally Unstable."

"Leave me alone! I was insane before, but I'm not now- I really need to stop talking."

"Mike," one of the doctors says, shifting his glasses further down towards his nose. "We are just trying to help you. We want you to be out of here and live a normal life again as much as you do, but first, we need to find out what happened, and how to make you better. You just have to trust us, okay? Do you trust us?"

I nod, slightly shaking.

I don't know what caused me to rise up from that coffin, or see that light with El, but I do know that whatever happened probably has no logical explanation.

Right now, all I can do is wait until these restraints are taken off my arms and I am able to go see the girl I've gone insane for.


Guilt floods my mind, making it hard to breathe.

"What happened?" They ask. "Who are you, and why did you appear at his funeral?" "You were there, don't you know?"

"I don't know," I reply, making no eye contact. No, I really don't know. I don't know why I can't say anything, or why this is taking such a huge toll on me. I don't know why I can't just vent to someone about what had happened on March 11, 1984. I don't know how I'm alive, how I'm here. I don't know why it is slowly tearing apart my mind, even after a week.

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