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Quick authors note: Ya'll I'm sorry haha

-Before storm, during funeral-

It has been a week, and I lost Eleven last night.
She just couldn't hold on any longer.
And I tried, oh, did I try. I didn't want to be in here alone. I couldn't be in here alone.

But I knew that holding her back would be selfish. Her time had come, and mine was about to as well.

"Max," she mumbles, trying to open her eyes. "I am going to be with Mike." It takes me a minute to comprehend what she meant, but I soon understand everything that she's saying. "Oh my god, Eleven, it'll be okay. Just please, hold on, we will make it through this together," I tell her, but she doesn't reply. Instead, her eyes drearily close. Her breathing slows down. "Eleven, no, no, no," I say, wanting her to stay with me. She was my friend. We had already been through so much together. "Please don't leave me," I cry, but it's too late. Her lips open up, but no words come out. Her chest stops rising and falling. Her heart no longer has a pulse. "No!" I scream, with all the air I have left in my lungs. I pump on her chest with my hands, I try to bring her back, but I just can't.
Eleven is dead.

Even though it was hours ago, her head still rests on my lap, and the tears still come from my eyes. She's gone, and it's all because of my own family.

I know that I will die in here, but I will continue to keep her head on my lap no matter what. No one deserves to be buried here, especially not her.

I finally break down after hours of holding everything in. I wrap my arm around El's dead body, and I scream. I scream with all the force I can. I scream until I have veins popping out of my head. It's not like anyone can hear me down here, anyways.

And all of a sudden, everything goes black. It takes a few seconds for my vision to come back, and I feel rain. Cold, wet rain that is still warmer than the upside down.

But then I realize that I am no longer in the upside down.


A bright light.

That's all I see.

No demons, no monsters, no evil.

Just a bright light.

I hear voices, singing voices.

In the bright light are flashbacks of the happier times of my life.

It calls me, and I don't try to go back.

This is where I want to be.

This is where I need to be.

"Come on, Mike," she says. "Be with me, forever."

"I promise, El," I reply.

She takes my rough hand in her soft one, and we begin to walk together, towards the light. 

We can finally be free.

I can be with the girl I love.

Together forever.

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