Overdue Epilogue

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Ok so before we start-
Listen I know I finished this book like a year ago but I reread it and the ending is just unacceptable so here's an epilogue. And I decided not to do a sequel so here ya go.
Also thanks for almost 8K on this.
Now enjoy the 4 people that are going to read this. You all are the real og's.

November 6, 1989
5 years later


Today is the day, I write in my worn-out diary, one that I've had since middle school. I don't really know why I've written down everything for five years; I guess I just wanted to get everything out on paper. Perhaps one day someone will find it and wonder about what happened to Micheal Wheeler. None of that matters right now though, because today is the day.

See, five years ago, they were taken. I don't know what happened to my friends, but I know exactly what happened to her. I watched as El was stolen away from me, as the monster in my backyard took her, along with a huge piece of my heart. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, but I could think. All that I heard in my mind were these loud screams that just couldn't escape from my lungs. I guess those were the screams that truly shattered my heart. The demon took her and left me alone. When I say alone, I truly mean it. All of my friends were gone, and everyone else had just forgotten about everything. My older sister never came back, my parents were just as clueless as before, and even the chief forgot about everything as he returned to his old habits. I was the only one that knew. I was alone.

The night when I lost her, I remember sitting in my basement, feeling more isolated than I ever had or ever would. I didn't sob, I didn't cry, I just stared at the wall with a sort of pain I had never felt before. When I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I remember a feeling of pure hope for I thought it was her. Instead, I saw an unfamiliar man with dark hair and pale skin. When he said hello, I immediately recognized his voice. It was him: the thessalhydra, the demon, whatever you want to call him. He had a new human vessel.

As soon as I saw him, a feeling of bravery and a need for revenge washed over me, and I tried to attack him. However, he threw me against the wall with the flick of his hand. I remember sliding down right next to the words written with El's blood, which had dripped to much to be readable. The sight made me angrier, but what set me off even more was the look on the demon's face, like he didn't just take everything I had away from me. "What did you do to her?" I asked, speaking the first words since I had told her I loved her. He just smiled. "I want to have her back. I want all of them back! I'll give you anything."

"You say you'll give me anything?" He asked with a sly expression upon his face. I knew that I would probably regret it, but I couldn't do live like that anymore. I couldn't live alone.

"Anything," I repeated. He pondered for a minute before looking at me with a happier expression.

"What do you say to five years? You give me five years with your friends and your little girlfriend. Then you can have them back, and everyone will forget that they were ever gone, except for them of course."

I stared at him for a few minutes, deep in thought. I could barely survive a year without El, but a whole five years with no one? That seemed impossible. I would be eighteen before I would see any of them again.

"Listen," he said. "It's either five years or forever. I may even tell my demons not to bother you in that time period. Do we have a deal or not? I don't have all eternity."

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