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We are staring each other & suddenly I felt awkward.

I slowly down my eye lashes to escape from this awkwardness.

"You are looking beautiful"he altered.

"Thank you..s..sir"I replied.

"Let's go now"he ordered.

"Yes sir"I agreed.

I am going towards my car at that moment he stopped me by pulling me by my wrist & I suddenly fell on his body.

We are too closer to each other that we can feel each other's breathing.

We are like this only for a while.


"I'm sorry"he apologies.

I didn't replied any thing because I'm in shock..

He said sorry to me???

Bcz according to all staff he is rude,akdu,angry young man then why on the earth he said sorry!!!!

"It's...it's Okay sir"finally I managed to answered.

"Why you are going there???"he again questioned.

"Vo..My..car.."I replied.

He holds my hand & make me sit in his car.

& my heart started beating at highest rate.

I am not in my sense,what to say & what to do..

My phone is vibrating but unable to break my thoughts.

& I didn't pick a call which was from shivaay which I later on come to know...


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