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A week passed away like this...

I feel something attracting in my sir's eyes maybe I like his honesty or genuineness...

He is good person but he hasn't any family,friends anything.

I felt poor for his loneliness..

But I also thought that I started thinking too much about him so I decided not to complicate my life & marry to shivaay,my love.

I told him about my decision & he became too much happy..

I clearly see the love for me in his eyes & I'm happy too that I'm going to marry with my bestie who is the 1st & last important person in my life after my parents.

Our marriage fixed around after 2weeks so,we're hell busy in all the preparation.

My boss & shivaay also started sharing great bonding with each other.

Shivaay told him about his marriage to him but I think he forgot to told that it's with me!!..maybe...

Soon another week passed away like this in preparations...

& then we came to give invitation in our office.

1st we entered in sir's cabin & give it to him.

His smile vanished,his eyes become moist & I think his face becomes pale or maybe it's my delusion I don't know..

But yeah he isn't happy.

Then shivaay told him-

"OBEROI SIR,you have to come to attain our marriage..."

I can't able to utter a word..

While he nodded in yes without looking once in my eyes.

Then we gave invitations to others.

All this time I clearly noticed that he was continuously staring at us or me!!!!.....

Soon we came out of the office &

Went in mall for further shopping...


A/n-I hope now your doubts are clear & believe me next few parts are turning point of story & real story will start afterwards...



Thank you ♡♡♡♡♡

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