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She pushed him hard by all the power she had in her body & by this shivaay was now on bending his back on the table.
He was in shock by her sudden reaction.

In no time she grabbed his collar tightly again & clenched her jaw.
But before she could say anything,
Shivaay grabbed her hands & pulled her on his body.
Now she was lying on him.
He smirked.

Suddenly he turned & now Anika was lying beneath him.
[A/N-woohhh they're so wild...]
His cocky smirk wasn't leaving his lips.
& her heart started beating for him.

"Why so desperate Mrs.Oberoi???
You know that I'm all yours..."he said with a grin.
She wasn't able to come out from his sudden actions & now he was talking like this!!!
Great!!! *_*

She was trying to finding words to reply him back but uuupppsss she failed badly.
Her eyes were stuck at his lips only... :P
& he again smirked...Lollll...

Isn't it????"he asked.
"Hmm..."she replied unconsciously.
He supressed his chuckle under his breath & smile softly.

Finally he lips were going closer to her but for the 1st time she didn't try to push him or say anything.
---Maybe she loves him,
Or hormones were over powering her--
He thought for a while.

But without wasting a single second,
He pressed himself on her more...
& she took a deep breath.

He moved his thumb on her trembling lips & rubbed it sensually.
& her body arched back under his touch.

He pressed his lips at the corner of her mouth,a sweet peck.
Her fingers immediately started running in his hairs subconsciously.

He was just going to catch her lips in his but-
"Shivaay,please sign this..."Saumya entered but stopped in the middle after looking Shivika in this much intimate position.

Anika came back in her senses.
Shivaay gave her space & both stared Saumya as if she had done a big crime!!!
Of course she had ;) ...

"Don't you know how to knock???"he asked annoyingly.
"I...I'm sorry shiv..."she replied simply but hurt,pain clearly marked in her eyes after seeing them like that.

"It's sir...for you.."Anika replied.
She gave her question look.
"He is your boss,so don't call him shivaay ,shiv or anything,call him sir..."she explained.
Shivaay smiled sweetly at his wife,forgetting all his annoyance in a blow.

Saumya's eyes became watery & she excused herself.
She left.
Shivaay couldn't see her like this after all she was,she is his best friend!!!
& again his smile disappeared.

So,how's shivaay ?????
Well now this book is back on its right track...Love & Romance...
From now onwards you'll only see Naughty WILD Shivika ...
What you think about Saumya ???
She should leave now???
I felt bad for her...

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