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Later at night shivaay also reached at home & he tried to confront her,fight with her or talked with her but failed badly.
She just nodded in yes & no...
Her "Hmmmm" was more annoying than anything for him.

After silent dinner they went in room.
Ruhi was already sleeping peacefully.
Anika placed her in her crib.
Then she lied down on her place.

Shivaay entered in the room after changing from bathroom.
His wet,messy hair!!!
Of course he was looking breath taking with his not so innocent smirked.
He entered & purposely injured his knee by corner of table in their room.

He acted to wince in pain.
She came near him & made him sit on the bed by holding his shoulders.
He was happy & trying to act all innocent.

But she said with acting all innocently"let me call Saumya ,your best friend kam P.A.,you're badly injured Mr.Oberou..."& she smirked.
Possessiveness,jealously clearly seen in her statement.
Shivaay was shocked!!!

How she knew all this??
& why she was over reacting in it???
But he just said "Anika...m...sorry..."
Forgetting all his thoughts because for him she was more important than his ego!!!

But she didn't respond which irked his so-call-ego!!!
Wait just few seconds ago he thought ego wasn't important!!!Hehehe SSO without ego next to impossible.

"No thanks Mrs.Oberoi I'll call her in morning...
She must be sleeping & I really don't want to disturb her!!!
& moreover she cares for me so much,I'm so important for her &
You know she is very important for me also,I can't hurt her..."he said with smirked & turned the table.

She was fuming in anger...
Her anger was on at the top at the cloud.
& she snatched her pillow & throw it on the other side of the bed.
Shivaay understood that another single word & he'll be dead.
So,he didn't alter anything.
& he was lying quietly on his side of bed.

So, they were sleeping on opposite poles of the bed,
Shivaay's leg beside Anika's head & vice versa.
After about half & hour she slept.

But sleep was far away from his eyes.
He waken up & opened his drawer with keys & again set at the edge of bed with one diary.
This diary was written by Shivaay Malik.
When he met with an accident & took promise from shivaay to take care of Anika & coming baby then he had given it to him from his car.
He used to write diary since childhood.
So they were all the details about his & Anika relationship.

After reading that diary Shivaay felt that he was so nice for her,she'll like him as a gentleman,as a father of ruhi,as a husband but she'll never accept him as a love!!!
So he decided to change himself & here he was with this naughtiness & breath taking romance...
He'll bring old Anika back which she used to when she was with her love,she would learn how to love him.

Soon he placed diary in the safest place & slept.

Middle of the night----
Both,Anika & shivaay waken up with a jolt!!!
Both eyes were widen,shocked!!!
They were feeling something unknown alien feeling,electric spark!!!

Yeah,they were sleeping with hugging each other legs & unknowingly there hands were placeed at their private parts because of their "69" position...

There face was near by their cores :P
& there breathing became uneven...

So naughty :P
Stay tuned for more romance.

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