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Anika's pov-(continued)

Everyone was out of my room waiting for me to gain my consciousness except shivaay and Om.

"It's a case of homicide so the officer,the in charge of this case had clearly told that no one could go outside this city"om said.


It was a homicidal case???

Someone had tried to kill my innocent daughter???

Were they out of mind???

We all were good friends and why would anyone harm my ruhi intentionally???

It was just because of Shivaay's carelessness.

"Yeah but Shivaay already took ruhi's body from here and most importantly without any permission!!!"Saumya said.

I opened my eyes wildly and my body got rooted after listening my ruhi's body!!!!!!!!


I immediately took my phone from the side table any called him but it was unreachable.

I tried again and again but failed.

"Why shivaay was doing all this yaar???
Is he hiding something???"parth asked.

"What do you mean???"ishu said.

"I mean firstly that carelessness of him and then after ruhi's death and Anika's miserable condition instead of be with her he left and he didn't come even once to see her that his wife Anika is alive or not!!!"parth said.

"This time shivaay is wrong...
He can't do like this with her yaar...
Anika couldn't be able to see her daughter last time just because of him..."Saumya added.

"What are you saying guys we know that how much he loves his daughter and Anika ..."ishu explained.

"Yes,you are right.
He loves his daughter I'm sorry her daughter that's why he didn't follow doctor who was saying that we can find the culprit through PostMortem(PM).
He didn't let them do that...and yeah that's his love..."parth said sarcastically with much rage in his voice.

"Common guys shivaay knew that it was an accident and he didn't want to injure her little daughter more...
I don't think so he can do something like that..."ishu defended him again.

"Then why he took the body with him???"Saumya asked.

"Because he loves Anika so much and he knows very well that she can't bear ruhi's condition like this..."ishu said.

"I think you're right...Shivaay is right at his place but I'm really feeling bad for Anika ...she couldn't able to see her daughter for the last time ..."Saumya said in a sad tone.

I clutched the bedsheets in my fist and it was too much for me to handle in a go.

My ruhi left me.

My shivaay (Malik) left me.

And now shivaay Singh Oberoi was doing all this with me.

Wasn't he love me and my ruhi anymore?????

My throat became dry just like my eyes.

My face became expressionless.

I had no more reason to live anymore...

nothing left more in my life...

My ruhi,my shivaay couldn't come here for me but I could join them there.

After getting all my courage together
I had decided that I'll free my body from my soul.

My heart wasn't responding much as normal and I took my slow steps towards the window of hospital room.

But my marriage with SSO,his love,his care,his respect,his everything holding me on the spot itself.

A fresh tears dropped down without my consciousness.

Our honeymoon,our love,our confession everything flashing in front of my eyes.

I opened the window and placed my one foot on it to reach at its level.

"shivaay (Malik)...ruhi...I'm coming...
I'm sorry shivaay ...I couldn't forget all this and I didn't want to hate you because I still love you but after what happened with us I don't think so I can live a single second ...even with you..."I said in my mind.


Will Anika die???

Shivaay is responsible for all this???

Why he is doing this???

What you think???

Do comments.

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