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Anika's pov-(continued)

I was the one who opened my eyes first only to get realized that I was sleeping peacefully on him.
I smiled as he was hugging me tightly when I was lying on my hard bed,him.

I slowly tried to get out from his hold but failed when he opened his eyes and smirked.

"shivaay....leave me...please..."I said with pleading eyes.

"First give me my morning treat..."he said with a wink.

"shivaay please ...stop being childish..."I yelled on him.

"You felt me like a child yesterday???"he asked with his eyebrows up.

"I.....I...mean...stop being horny..."I tried to came back in his game.

His hands reached to my hips and running between the thighs.

"shivaay ....we had done 3 times yesterday....Now please let me ...
Please..."I pleaded.

"Okay but on one condition..."he said with smirked.

I gave him now-what wala look and he smiled sheepishly.

"You'll make me shower today and yeah with massage..."he said with not so innocent smile.

I sighed as I knew the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi was back in action.

I immediately placed my lips on his and he was massaging my back.
I felt him smirking in between the kiss and I bite his lower lip harshly in response.

Then I made him shower after massaging his body with warm oil and he felt so fresh and relaxed.

If I said the truth then I loved it more than him.

After our little bath session we went for breakfast in the kitchen where ishu and Om were already present.

They understood our situation after looking at us.
And we felt embarrassed while they laughed on us.
Shivaay glared at Om when started teasing us shamelessly.

After that we reached at agrawal mention to took our princess back at her own home.

After having lunch with mom and ded we came back with our ruhi.
I was so happy after seeing her playing in my arms.

I missed her so much.
I was glad that nothing bad happened with us just because of presence of mind and care of my husband.

I smiled while adoring him.

I gave my ruhi to ishu and hugged him in front of them.

He was shocked by my reactions like always.
I kissed his cheek and pecked his lips while om and ishu were staring us like an alien.
Shivaay was froze at the moment.

"I love you..."he stated.

I smiled.

"Cause with every kiss and every hug,
You made me fall in love with you..."I replied him back.

Near to end :(

How's the tag line-

Cause with every kiss and every hug you made me fall in love with you... Again and again...

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