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No one's pov-

Anika was sitting in her cabin,doing nothing but playing with her pen.
Hell irritated & confused.
According to her shivaay was not at all like this...
She was busy in thoughts at that time she suddenly realized that shivaay hadn't taken his breakfast!!!

She called peon & told him to serve plate for him.
But he came back with the plate untouched by him.
Now it's too much for her.
She was fuming in anger,entered in his cabin.

He was standing in front of window,waiting for Anika of course with his iconic smirk.

She entered & grabbed his collar in her hands & pushed him in his chair.

"How dare you Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi!!!"she said.

"What you're trying to do???
Just eat your food or else..."she almost yelled.

But interrupted by him.

"Or else???"he asked.

"Or else...I'll kill you..."She replied.

"Okay...kill me then...
Because I'll do whatever I wanna do..."he replied with smirked.

Her jaw again dropped & her hands left his collar unconsciously.

"Hmmmm but I can eat if you...."he left his sentence incomplete.

"If I what???"as he expected she asked.

He came closer to her lips & said
"If you give me kiss..."he said with showing her his lips.

& her mouth made a perfect shape of "0"

"What???"she managed to ask.

"Kiss me then only I'll eat...you..."he said with a little pause.

"What you said???"she asked again.

"I mean I'll eat whatever you will give..."he intentionally covered up his naughty sentence with a grin.

She wasn't in a state to say anything.

She was in dazed.

"What happened wifey...
Why you're blushing???"he asked with a wink.

"I'm not...bl...blushing..."she replied with managing her words.

"Ohh yeah!!!
I forgot how bold you are!!!
You know yesterday night..."he added & again left his sentence incomplete...
& he started blushing & dreaming.

Hahaha so naughty Shivaay !!!!
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