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Anika's pov-

"Is she really very pretty than me???"I asked him out of mine insecurities still resting my head on his shoulder.

I felt his hand pressed little on my arm and he replied-
"Of course Anika...so hot...u....know..what I mean???"he said in his husky dreamy voice.

I felt jealous kam angry how could he said like this!!!
"You know what shivaay...
Go to hell..."I said and stoop up from there.

I was marching towards the tank in my anger but a strong pair of arms embraced me from the back and the touch was so familiar.
"shivaay....leave me..."I said in irritation...

His head crooked in my neck...his hot breath were touching my skin.
He placed his hands on my bare waist under my sari.
I closed my eyes to absorbed the closeness.

"shiii..vvv..aaa...yy..."I almost moaned when his teeth pressed on my soft spot.
"You know what Anika she was hot but nothing in compare to you because you have beautiful soul..."he whispered in my ear and kissed the earlobe.

I shivered under his touch and his statement.
He hands were roaming on my tummy giving tickling Sensation in my body.

I couldn't bear more and merged my lips with his.
We kissed like there wasn't tomorrow.
He cupped my cheeks and I engulfed his neck.

This was the first time I'm the one who dominating the kiss.
We became breathless and we broke the kiss.
But in a second he again placed his lips on mine and the miracle of his touch caused increased adrenalin rushed in my body.
My knees became weak and my whole body felt numb.

*suck my upper lip*
*entered his touch*
*fighting with my tongue*
*bites my lower lip*"he said with moaning...which increased my heart beat in a blink.
It sounds so crazy,electric,sensual.
My name...full name from his mouth sounds so fantastic then it should.

The hypoxic condition led to breakage of our kissing session.
"I love you too shivaay..."I said with my heavy breathing.
He immediately took me in his embrace and I felt so safe,protected under him.

We remained there like this for few minutes then
He held me in bridal style and he marched to the tank.

After kissing on my forehead and nibbling my neck he started to unpin the sari which was pinned by him only.
It was all dark and cold still I felt sparked in his eyes and heat in his body after removing my pallu.

I felt so comfortable and pure by his touch.It made me feel like a heaven on his embraced.

My hands immediately rushed to his shirt and I was successfully unbuttoning it.
I rolled and came over him and started kissing on his well built torso.
In a blink his all open area became wet as if I claimed every inch of his as mine...only mine.

I placed my head on his chest where his hands were hugging me so tightly.
"I'll never let you go shivaay...you're mine...only mine..."my mind and heart said in unison which was extremely rare and unusual for me.

His hormones took over him and his touch melt me like a chocolate.
Over night started with loving each other to the ecstasy.
And again two bodies became one just like their souls.


<3 love you.

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