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Anika's pov-

I was here,in park with my friend parth..yes,I supposed to be in pub enjoying party but I can't...

It was just my plan for my shivaay & Saumya ...I want her in his life...he deserves a girl like her only...

But!!!!!why on this earth I'm feeling so restless!!! Insecure!!! mmm...jealous????no way...not at all...

I mean I'm the only one who wanted this,who planned this...

My thoughts suddenly broken by saumya's msg-
[Guess what anika...plan is working perfectly...I'm preparing dinner for Shiv]

I supposed to be so happy but here I'm hell annoyed by Saumya -

Why she is telling shivaay as shiv???
Even I'm,his wife called him Mr.oberoi!!!
How she became this close to My husband???

It's become to late at night...
parth insists me to come with him to his home but I refused his offer...

Finally he dropped me at Oberoi mansion but I don't want to ruin my plan so I just opened the door of outhouse & placed myself comfortablely near the window...

Through my place I can easily get the clear view of Oberoi mansion ...
I saw saumya who is placing dinner on the dining table while shivaay was already sitting there with ruhi...

Saumya comes there serves food & takes ruhi from his hands.

She sits there with ruhi & shivaay started eating...

He said something to her & she smiles & reply back..I think he liked the food a lot...

After few minutes I saw him offering food plate nearer to Saumya but because of ruhi she can't eat.

Then what I saw made me Dumbstruck!!!

My tears automatically wet my cheeks...

My shivaay was feeding saumya?????

It's just a 1st day they met right????

No,I'm not jealous why m I???

But isn't it too weird???

Obviously I didn't expected this for him!!!

He loves me right?????

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