Into The Open Sea

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Y/N's P.O.V

I looked into the open sea while trying to rethink all of this. I sighed while rubbing my ears and smiling. "I wonder how it is in that place. It has a lot of faunus." I said to myself while rubbing my hair and feeling the air.

It wasn't bad. It did smell fishy. But I guess that's the normal for just being in the open waters. I took a whiff of air and just loved it. Away from everything.

Away from Felix, Away from Weiss, Away from Ash.... Away from everyone...

"You don't look so happy there, sport." I heard a voice beside me as I saw the captain of the boat come towards me and smile. I gave one back as I shook my head. "Nah... Just problems back home. Happy to get away from them all." He came closer towards me and put his back on the railing, as I was looking from the front the railing.  

"Yeah... These seas are always such a sight to see. The open ocean is just about the safest place. Well, if you exclude all of the Grimm. But I make sure to choose the safest route for all of us. You seem to be coming from Beacon?" He asked as I was surprised to have a guess spot on like that. He pointed to my fist and saw my weapons. I laughed and nodded a bit. "Oh... Yeah. I'm just going back to what may be my home. Never been here." 

"Well, I hope when we do get there, you find some time to relax." He walked off as I sighed and let my ears just flicker in the wind. I then heard the water in front of me move. Well, more like splashes. I squinted my eyes to see what was in there. Maybe it was just some very large fish. I shook off the feeling before looking behind me and seeing someone in a red hood looking down at me. I couldn't see them clearly, but I know that this wasn't my imagination. I had to know who this stranger was. I made my fist turn into a knife as I pointed it towards him. "Come down! I want to know who you are!"

The hood flinched before starting to go away behind one of the steam poles. I jumped up to where the hood went and saw it down onto the main floor, where families would be at. Problem was, I saw two of the same hoods from the back. I didn't want to cause any unwanted attention, so running after one would be my best bet. 

I had to pick from between the one that was running and the one that was walking. If I were to choose one, the other one would be able to get away. I had to choose....


Got it. I quickly ran to the left, which had the running red hood. I quickly caught up to it and went to turn it around, as it was just a woman who was walking and looked at me in the eyes. 

"Hey! What are you doing!?" She shouted before I jumped and shook my head. "N-Nothing! Sorry, miss!" I backed away and went back to where I could see both of them at the same time. When I got there, nothing was there. 

"Damn...." I said while going to the wall and leaning against it. "Who is that... I have to find it or who it is..."

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