Epilogue: Reconciliation

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A Few Months Later After The Club Innocent 

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat on top of a roof, looking at the distance and looking into the city. The sun was shining, the people were talking and cars were vrooming past. It was nice. But I shouldn't be worrying about that. I had to find Ash before she sneaks up on me and catches me.  I jumped down onto the street and started to look around. People past me as I tried to find where she could be at. Maybe thinking outside of the box would be required to catch an eye of her. My ears flicked and tried to hear out for any sounds that could be resembling her. Which is hard, seeing that we're in the busiest part of the day.

I kept looking while changing my eyes, having the best part of me come out. Luckily these eyes are just the best because I'm just like a cat. I can see anything and everything. I bet she will never find a place to hide, cause once I find her, she'll be-

"Hey." I jumped, my eyes going back to normal and I quickly got in a defensive position, focusing on who was behind me.

Ash had a smile on her face, along with Felix and Ratcher behind her. "You know I have better senses than all three of you combined, right?" I sighed and shook my head. "Damn. Luck had your back." I said while smiling and tilting her head. "You know, we should get back to Yula. She might be needing us again." I thought for a second and chuckled. "I'll go over to Beacon really quick. I could meet you guys there." All three of them nodded as Felix sighed. "Don't rack up any trouble while we're gone. Alright?" I nodded as they started to walk away.

Time to think about everything that happened. It sure was a lot to take in one day. 

After the thing with the old wizard happened, the masked girl and the arrow killing him, we all found out something. He could take everything else, except for darkness and light. So with Ash having light taking over and that masked girl having darkness, they somehow forced the powers out of him. How? I don't even know myself. But at least it was over. After that bright light was gone, I found Blake as it was best to assume that she was the masked girl. I just I knew what happened to make her go like that. But everything is going back to normal. After that event, the police called a bounty off my head. Felix's arm that was pierced by a lot of thorns? He got it cut off to use as a robot arm. I think he would of looked cool with no arm. Yula, after seeing that Jaster was dead and couldn't come back, she did something else. She went away from the fighting and became a model? Weird story behind that. Ratcher didn't have nowhere else to go, so he came with us three. Now we could officially have a team of me, Ash, Felix and Ratcher. For the wizard, he got to a insane asylum. Well, I said he got his power taken, not his life. The cops just thought it was best to take the crazy-talking man to somewhere he could be at home.

I got to Beacon as I looked around and some students were tapping my shoulder, being happy of what I did. I walked around and then got inside of the academy, starting to see if I could find anyone. Then I heard the speaker from up top starting to work. 

"Y/N Belladonna. If you may come to the office as of now." I was confused. What could the school's officials want with me? Maybe it was to kick me out.  I took chances and started to walk towards where I guess would be the office, seeing a man with silver hair all over the place and small glasses on his nose look at me. There was another older man with white everything on him. White suit, white hair, even white mustache. The last guy was on the left of him, looking at me with his arms crossed and a robe he was wearing. "Y/N." The silver haired guy asked. "I'm sure you know who I am, don't you?" I tried to think of every name that would maybe come to him. "Ozpin?" He nodded. 

"Correct. Now I'm sure you've heard all about us when your sister got here." I stood and crossed my arms, wondering at what he was getting at with all of this. "Y/N. I see you being yourself. I could see that you already have a team with you, the ones that helped you back with the old man. So what I would like to ask you is..." He stopped and stood up, leaning on his cane and looking at me still. "Would you like to join Beacon academy and help yourself to the road of a hunter?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"Nah. I mean, that sounds like it's too much. I think us four would be fine with picking our battles. Anyways, taking orders isn't much of a thing with us. But maybe later?" The three men looked surprised as I put a hand to my side. I walked out of the room and sighed. That really didn't seem long, but I guess it was. 

I started to get back home, which was new by the way. We lived with Yula, who had a two story building that was hers. One being her model shooting studio and above it being the house part for all of us. I quickly ran back to get home and in no time, I was here. I ran upstairs to then see that everyone was already eating some food, ready for the night to just end. I sat between Felix and Ash as Yula smiled and gave me a plate of her original ramen. Which had a hint of fish flavor just for me. I thought for a second and grabbed an empty glass, standing up and holding it up.

"Guys! I just wanna say, we've been through a lot. But at least we made it out in the end," They nodded with me and some chuckled. "Not all of us were able to leave unharmed, but let's be happy for each other. Cheers to Team..... Rebirth!" The team looked at each other before raising their glasses and clinking theirs with mine.

"Team Rebirth Order!"

"Trust... I found that it's hard to get. But what's the tough part is keeping it. You can mold the trust of anyone to anything you want. Using things they like might get their trust up, but that's the true way. Moments and history are better than physical items any day."

Trust: A Worthless Shield (Blake X Brother Reader)Where stories live. Discover now