Final Misson

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Felix's P.O.V 

Both me and Y/N ran out the bathroom, only to see the old wizard down on the dancefloor, as he busted out of his room and down and into where he is at now. He sighed while standing up and brushing his shoulder and laughing. "You know, it's nice to have this power back. I feel so much better than my normal self. But I'm sure you've never seen power like this." He looked at the both of us as I sighed and shook my head. "Why did you do this? Why did you want this!?" I shouted as he chuckled and looked at me with his color-changing eyes.

I felt the urge to just shoot him. Just give off a shot into his old face and watch blood just splatter everywhere. His smirk. His cane. HIM..............

"Felix... You have to understand. Did you think that you all were likable? Hmmm.... I would say that you were alright. but haven't you heard the old saying? I'm surprised that you have not heard it. 

"No honor among thieves."

I was about to run out to him until Y/N had my idea before I could even think twice about it. He pushed through people and jumped up, flipping his fist into a gun and shooting him. Well trying. The wizard blocked it with hard ice that was rose to block the bullet. I just growled and switched my dual pistols that were in my pockets into an assault rifle, starting to hold the trigger and let bullets fly to her, but only ice was starting to take the hits for him. I growled and Y/N came from behind and tried to give a punch to him, but a shield of leaves blocked the hit. It seemed as if all the sister's powers and traits were inside of him. I feel as if he's not even controlling the powers that were helping him get this far.  

The wizard then kicked Y/N in the side and let an ice block shove him away from us. He looked at me and just laughed a bit. "Felix. You said that we could work together. Remember the cut? Would I give you these powers? I would love to rule this world with you. You could see what they can do already..... Hmm? You're interested, aren't you?" He made flowers from the spring go around with flowers and stuff, making some kind of shape. 

It..... I knew who it was.... It was..... my mother........ But he also made my father as well... This was the first time in the many years that I could remember seeing them. He couldn't have known about my past. But it started to come as if they were actually there. Standing with their arms wide open and smiles on their faces. I had to just think. I had the old wizard behind me and rubbing my shoulder. "You can see them.... once more.... the dream of having this could become a reality ..." He massaged my shoulders while whispering into my ear. "Of course... I want to see them one more time...." I said as I could feel my feet taking a few steps forward. His grin grew larger behind my back. "But I think the best family I had was the ones that came with me to this journey."


I turned around kicked him in the stomach to have him fall down to the ground before switching to my shotgun, letting him get to his feet before shooting him in the stomach, having him blast away. The whole spring atmosphere went away along with the flowers in the air. So did my parents. But I went over to Y/N and gave out a hand as he grabbed it and smiled. "You..." "You think I leave you in the dust a second time?" He nodded and stood up beside me as I broke my gun off into two submachines guns. Small enough for me to handle.

The old wizard looked at me with the elements starting to surround him to now show the power of what he could do. "What could two little feeble pebbles do to such a boulder? You're just nothing when you're fighting against me. But I'll have to show you that I am superior than anyone you've." I felt the others get behind as they were getting ready. Y/N and I stood side to side as Weiss, Yula, Ratcher and Jaster all came behind us with their weapons ready.

"Final Mission Felix.... Kill me and try to show who's the best."

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