Fire Vs. Ice

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Weiss's P.O.V 

I was holding my rapier as I was twirling it around my fingers and smiling. I saw that Felix came up to me with a smile and just chuckled. "Getting a feel back for your weapon? Well, maybe you could help us? With fighting Cinder and stuff like that." I gripped the rapier as I stood up and nodded. "I will. Jaster doing any better?" "Yeah. He's healing. So at least he's not losing blood. That stitchwork did help." I nodded and just felt a little joyed from hearing that. Me and Felix went to the dance floor as we saw some people dancing and having a fun time. It looked pretty nice. I kinda liked it. 

Us two were looking among the crowd as I saw that Felix had his eye on someone and staring them down with a squint in his eyes. He had to be looking at someone specifically. I feel it. I tried to get where he was at and looked his way and became curious. I saw the long blonde hair, which was just enough to make me know who it is that is coming to the club. It was Yang. 

Why is she here now? I mean, I wish I could tell her that I'm good and I'm not much in captive anymore. I went through the people to get to Yang as she was looking around and still looking for me. "I'm right here, Yang." I said to catch her attention as she looked and saw me. She quickly grabbed my arm and started to drag me as I stepped a foot out to stop her from taking me. "Hey! What are you doing? I don't get nothing back?!" She shook her head and came face to face with me. "You have everyone at Beacon worried sick about you!" 

I wanted to tell her about the rest of the guys here, but Felix came and smiled at me. "Hey, mind exp-" Before he could finish her sentence, she gave a punch that knocked him down, giving it in his throat. He couldn't breathe for a while as I gripped my Mythcaster and then looked back at Yang, backing away and having it by my side. I guess I'll have to fight her. 

A little bonus for this fight: You could listen to On Fire by Melano if you think Yang's gonna win or listen to Cold Skin by Seven Lions if you think Weiss is gonna win. It's optional, but it's your choice. 

I rushed towards her and pushed her down, then hands appeared from under that was summoned from my glyphs and it grabbed her down on the ground. I jumped over her on the ground as I had an ice clone appeared under me as then I had it drop on Yang, hitting on her stomach and letting the hands get off her. I went to give a thrust to her head, but she quickly rolled away to the side and fired a shot at me.

I blocked it with my rapier and let it get to her as she ran towards me and punched my stomach, making me holding it as she blasted herself up into the air and shot a shell down onto me and I felt it hit my back. 

I felt Yang land back down behind me as I rolled away and swung myself to try and cut her. I had to damage her somehow to stop her from fighting me and maybe killing me. I blocked her off with a nice dome to block her off. I started to see water drip down from the ice as I became surprised and backed away from it, nothing ever good come from her being like this. The ice quickly melted as she gave a shot towards me and I rolled away. I made an ice wall in front of her to catch some time with her. That only last a second as she burst through it and looked at me with the red tint in her eyes. 

She started to move around crazy-like and shooting shells at me, making me have the choice to either dodge/avoid them to just keep myself safe in this battle. I then saw Ratcher come over and grab her by the sides. My eyes widened as I quickly ran over to stop him from killing her.

"Stop! Stop! Don't do it! Look, she's good to me! Please don't do it! Just like knock her out or something! Ratcher! Listen!"

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