Crying Over Spilled Ashes

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Night Scratcher's P.O.V

These places sure are Grimm infected. Someone should really call an exterminator. I held the katana and started to swing it around, just playing with it at this point. I stopped before hearing some crying. That had to make me just peek and see what is going on around this corner.

I saw a blonde kid by himself in a graveyard. Why he just made everything so easier. I pulled out Adam's katana and smiled while walking towards him. I heard some kind of shuffling behind me as I stood still and waited for the thing to come out. Why a horrible attempt at a sneak attack. I heard a growl and knew that it had to be a grimm. Such easy kills.

When the thing jumped at me, I had my weapon ready to block it, but it wasn't what I thought it was. It was some long arm that tried to reach out towards me. It failed to grab me, so it retracted and I was wondering what this thing was.

After a few seconds, I saw a girl with red hair come out. But I didn't even know if the girl was a girl. The sight I saw was something not even the most sickest person could thing. It was half girl, half grimm. Just seeing all of that grimm bones around one side of the body and then just her whole human skin was like in cracks. Her eyes weren't even like human eyes. They were just grimm eyes and it looked more horrible. But the left arm was just a godly horrible sight to see. Just the way it looked all black and spaced out is enough to scare any man. I had to kill this thing. I feel like I seen the person who is this half grimm die before. But I guess I would have to put a girl out of her misery.

It growled at me before throwing its arm at the side of me, having me block it and cut it a bit with the sword, having a loud screech come from it. I covered my ears before the arm grabbed my leg and let me fall onto my back. I groaned as I felt the sudden shock of the ground before having a shadow come down from under and pull me from the other way. I kicked the hand as it took its grasp off me and I got up, thanks to the help of the shadow. The thing ran towards me as I advanced slowly to fight it myself. The human part of her threw a right hook, but I ducked under and hit the stomach with the sheath of the katana, having it back away from me.

I then ran towards it and hit it down to the ground. I jumped as I gave a hit to her chest, making it have a wind of breath its lungs. I backed away before standing beside them, looking down and smiling. I saw her arm get up quickly before it grabbed my leg and pulled me towards it, giving me a trip to the ground. Face first.

The girl got on my face as it screamed at me and I was basically defenseless. "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" It shouted before hitting the ground, near my head and I was just a bit scared of it. It got off me and quickly shuffled away, leaving me on the ground. That was weird. I must get back to what my mission originally was and find this girl so I can show her who's the White Fang who's a new boss. Cause I think maybe we don't need any human trying to take over what was ours. Time to take it back.

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