Forced Into Battle

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Y/N's P.O.V

"And that's the whole school." Ruby got finished showing me around the school as I smiled at her. "Well thank you," I said to her as she became red and just swatted her hand. "Don't mention it."

We look behind us to see Blake running to us and she stopped in her tracks to look at me. She was stunned to see that I was well and walking. 

"Y/N..." She said towards me as then we kept looking at each other. "You're.... You're actually here." Those were the first words that she had ever got to say to me. 

"Blake," I responded as she just had little tears. "I can't believe after all these years...." Every word we couldn't get out. We just kept looking at each other. Until I gave my first big sentence.

"Blake, I'm happy to be here with you. I heard after you went to the White Fang. I thought you would still be with them. With Adam and-" 

"Wait.... You have to stop there." Blake stomped her foot to stop him as she started to cry a bit. "I wish I knew all about this.... I wish I knew about you running away. I mean, have you even talked to mom and dad!?" She shouted as I shook my head. "Blake. You know about everything! You know I ran because of that White Fang bullcrap!" I shouted at her. 

I looked at her with tears forming up and then looked away from her. Blake wiped away her tears as she walked to Ruby and tapped her shoulder. "Ruby, we need to get going, Weis-" 

I stopped her and growled. "I'm going with you. Alright?" "You need to stay here. I'm not taking my younger brother. If anything, this is our business." When she tried to walk away again I grabbed her arm. "If whoever you are trying to get got captured by the same person I'm thinking of, then I might as well come too."

Older sis looked at me and groaned. "Ruby... I want you to get Yang ready... I know you're our leader, but I need you to understand about this." Ruby nodded fro, Blake's words and started to run back over to Beacon. 

"Look. I want you to know, that I'm happy to work with you like this." I said as she smiled and laughed a bit. "Well, maybe we should still get going. We got to help my friend." "And mines too."

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