Why Do We Die?

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Y/N's P.O.V

I sighed while looking down at the streets. I did want to get to the club and help Raven as much as I did. But then I just wanted to take the peace in and look around the town. Where worries are not even a thing. I mean if they are, they're really small and could be handled with a simple snap of the fingers. But with my problems... They require more. More of everything. 

I sighed, having all of these thoughts flood my head as I stood up and rubbed it. "I should get going." I saw that it was starting to be the afternoon. But it wasn't going to be the best afternoon as of now. "The best time to get there was the night." I went back to the alleyway and thinking of what to do. Vale has a bounty on my head to get me alive or dead. I don't know how. Maybe Raven set it? I mean, she did have to fight them herself to get them away from me. But if it wasn't for her, I would be in a cell as of now and look at nothing but metal bars.

"I'll make him pay... Not only for him having to deal with Qrow's death." I got down to the ground as and let the rain get all around to my shoes. I rubbed my hair and started to walk down this darkened alleyway. "But for everyone that he harmed. Everyone that has been taken by his hand. Everyone that was blind of what he wanted to do to them." I sighed and kicked the water away from my feet. I made my fist along with my fisticuffs on them and twisted them to knives, throwing air punches and trying to just think about what this was all for. 

Felix's P.O.V

"You're just like me, boy. Couldn't always keep your anger on the inside," The old wizard said behind me as I felt Cinder's blood on my arms, my hands and even some on my face. I couldn't hold it in. He was... right.....

"I told you, the best way to let it go is by beating something to a bloody pulp," The more he talk, the more he was right. I could hear Ash sobbing silently to herself while looking at Cinder's lifeless body on the chair. But it was just flowing with blood onto the ground. Why did I do this? Why did he make me do this?

"So I guess you've just help me in a way. Since I didn't have to put any work in this, I feel so good. You're gonna be part of more bigger plan. Don't worry. I think your cut out of all of this will be pretty good for what you did." Cut? He didn't mean as in money, did he? I held the crowbar in my hand as the old man went to her body and just chuckled. "But I guess it'll have to wait. Cause now all of these sisters understood that the power should come back to their owner. Thank you for your cooperation, Felix. It was nice to work with someone like you." He said as he shooed the both of us away. Before Ash could try to get to him, I grabbed her with my hand that had blood on it as she looked back and tried to throw a punch at me. I pulled her out of the room and stood outside of it, now being inside of the bosses room. 

"W-Why did you do that!?" She shouted at me as I looked down and felt blood dripping from my face, onto to my shirt. "F-Felix! Y-You don't know what you have caused! You helped him!" She just kept shouting at me before trying to push me, only doing it to herself. I took her arm again and started to go downstairs, passing by all of the bartenders that were just surprised to see us. Me mostly. We kept walking then got to the room where everyone was sleeping in different beds. I laid down on the bed, patting the space beside me as she nodded and got beside me. I wrapped my arms around here as I could feel her crying a bit still.

"It's okay... I've hitten the new low....But I'll make it up to you all... Ash and Y/N."

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