Madness Takes Off

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Y/N's P.O.V

"And that's where me and Raven come into all of this." I said.

My mother was looking at me as she had her hands in her lap and looked down. Raven was looking at me as we all sat on the floor. My father has yet to come back, but I would guess that it was busy work. 

"So you don't know where you're sister may be at?" She asked as I nodded and looked past her, to see a photo of us all being young and having fun at the beach. Raven sighed before taking a sip of her tea and looking down at it. "Ms. Belladonna... Does the shadow semblance trait run into your family?" She asked her as my mother nodded and put a hand on her chest. "Yes it is. Why do you ask?" She looked at me before looking into my eyes. "I think you may have yourself a son that could completely take it over."

Mom became confused and then looked at me. "You..." She was shocked. I could see it in her face as I was looking between the two women looking at me. I got a call from Ruby on my scroll as I jumped from it, almost falling onto my back. I looked at it as I saw her face on the caller I.D and didn't know what to do. 

"You left Beacon..." Raven interrupted my decision making. "So don't answer." I looked at the scroll once more before putting it on the table and letting it vibrate. This was the only sound as Ruby been calling me for some while and I was just getting more and more worried. 

It finally stopped as I felt bad for whatever was happening back there.

Raven got me out of a thoughts before giving me a hand. "Come on. We should train with each other. Show you how good you are to your mother."

Yang's P.O.V 

Me and Ruby were walking around in the forest as we couldn't find the others, so we decided to take it into our own hands. Well, we also had Winter, but I didn't feel like she was doing the best job. I-

"Yang... How much farther...?" Ruby asked me as I shrugged and looked at her. "Look... This could take days... WInter is not on her best for some reason so I don't even know if we're going to the right place." She nodded before grabbing my arm and looking around.

I saw Winter stop as she breathed heavily and held her rapier. Me and Ruby stopped as she just had rapier swing towards us, missing the both of us as I backed Ruby away from her. Something has to be wrong with her. 

"YOU ALL LET THIS HAPPEN!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as I covered my ears from hearing it and making my ears bleed. Yes, it was that loud. She sped towards me and tried to cut me, only missing when I rolled to the side. I didn't want to hurt her, since she was our way in and out. "Hey! What's the meaning of this!?" I shouted before she turned around with giving another slash, sending a whole row of icicles as I shot the ones that were coming for me and Ruby.

I saw that she tried to come at me once more, before I shot the ground in front of me, having dirt get into her face and block her eyesight. She just fell and tumbled down as I got ready along with Ruby by my side. Winter stood up as she held her head, dropping her rapier onto the ground, having some sort of symbol come from the ground as I backed away and held my ground. Ruby switched her weapon into a sniper as she started to shoot at whatever was made. I could tell that it was a knight, but blood stains was on it's sword and shield. Could that be Winter's blood on it? The knight blocked Ruby's shot before giving what was going to be a deadly shot until Ruby used her semblance to go around it and be behind it. The sword was stuck in the ground as I ran up it and jumped, blasting the Knight's face into pieces since it wasn't very hard to fight for some reason. 

When Winter dropped to the ground, the knight shattered into a thousand pieces. Winter was starting to bleed from her mouth as Ruby came and tried to save her. I watched as she tried. I knew there was no way to save her. 

Ruby kept shaking until Winter finally just... stop. 

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