Fight Encyclopedia

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This is a chapter of all of the fights that have happened in the story so far. If you want, you could comment and talk about the fights, giving your feedback and criticism! 

1st (semi) Fight-  Felix Vs. Y/N (in the end of chapter 2/ I Scratch Your Back As You Shoot Mines )

2nd Fight- Qrow and Winter Vs. Y/N and Blake (In Chapter 11/ Why Not Work Together? )

3rd Fight- Felix and Jaster and Ratcher Vs. Qrow and Y/N ( In Chapter 13/ Was It Worth It?)

4th Fight- Y/N Vs. Felix (In Chapter 17/ Fist Vs. Claws)

5th Fight- Ratcher and Felix and Yula and Jaster Vs. Adam Taurus and White Fang Lieutenant (In Chapter 18/  Power Comes To All)

6th Fight- Weiss Vs. Felix (In Chapter 29/  Let's Get To Working)

7th Fight- Ruby and Yang Vs. Winter (In Chapter 28/ Madness Takes Off)

8th Fight- Night Scratcher Vs. Grimm Pyrrha (In Chapter 31/  Crying Over Spilled Ashes)

9th Fight- Weiss Vs. Felix and Yula and Ratcher and Jaster (Chapter 32/ Training Day)

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