I don't know what to do

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Camila's P.O.V

It's been about 2 or 3 weeks since 'the incident' with Harry happened and me running off from everybody. The girls tried to make me confess on why I ran out on them but every time they did I would just say it was nothing. But I know they don't believe me.

I keep on thinking about what he said and how he can see Lauren has feelings for me. But I know she doesn't. Who would love someone like me? I'm so plain and 'blah'. I'm ugly and fat I just can't see how anyone can even be in the same room as me. I've never told anyone this before but I was bullied in high school and I mean like alot. I would get beaten up everyday and called things like 'ugly bitch' or 'fagbello'. Teased by everybody on what I wore. Even some of the teachers at my school would laugh or snicker if they heard something about me. I would cry myself to sleep every night and wishing I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I felt like I was nothing and I was just a problem to everyone.

I pretend like I'm happy and I laugh all the time. Like my life is 'sunshine and lollypops' but really it's just me hearing these little voices in my head telling me things like I should kill myself.

When I met Lauren she healed my wounds and mended my broken bones. And actually made me laugh for once in my life. But now Harry just destroyed me again and now I'm worse than ever.

I can't talk to Lauren anymore or even look at her. If I do Harry would hit me. I know I should tell someone what Harry's doing. But every time I try to I just remember what Harry said about hurting Lauren. And I can't just can't bare the thought of Lauren getting hurt because of me.

I've tried so hard to stay away from Lauren the best i can. Everytime we would be in an interview or when we all had to sit togeher i'd always sit in the spot furthest fom her. I would never say her name out loud or look in her direction or even touch her. Even though it breaks my heart doing these things but i have to.

ugh just the thought of him makes me want to vomit. He's such a jerk.

Someone waves their hand in fron of my face pulling me away from my thoughts. I look in the direction the hand comes from and i see Ally giving me a confused face

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Ally asks

"Uh..yeh of course I did" I say

"Wow, Mila, your like the worst liar ever" Ally gives me a big grin

"Oh..whatever" I punch her arm playfully

I catch a glimpse of Lauren. She has a gloomy expression on. Ugh! I'm such a bad person, I completely ignore her and act like she doesn't exist. She probably hates me now but i would hate me too if I was her.

"Camila" Ally waves her hand in front of my face again


"Oh forget it I forgot anyway. I swear your like Dinah in a math class you never pay attention"

"Hey! I heard that" Dinah yells from the kitchen "I hope you can sleep with your eyes open because you might get a surprise tomorrow morning"

"What it's true"

"You better start running because I'm coming for you Ms.Hernandez"

Dinah comes charging at Ally and Ally gets up and runs away. Dinah yells "I hope you can fly" "you can never catch me" Ally yells back and flapping her arms and jumping trying to fly.

I'm cracking up there so cute when they fight. I go get my phone and make vine out of this. But when I look up from them I notice Lauren is gone. I kind of feel sad because I don't hear her cute laugh anymore and I just want her to be happy again. To see her beautiful smile again.

Lauren's P.O.V

Why is she doing this? Does she even care about me? Can't she see I love her?
Do I even mean anything to her?

These are some of the thoughts that go through my head all day and all night, 24/7. I just don't know what to do.

Ever since Camila and Harry started going out she has completely ignored me. The slightest touch or brush of fingers she would flinch and move. She doesn't even look at my direction or even speak to me. Not a word.

Maybe she's happier with him. Maybe Harry gives her everything I can't. Maybe we're not meant to be.

My head is telling me to give up and surrender. But my heart is yelling at me not to give up and fight, fight what is rightfully mine.

Why can't I just leave my heart out of this? (See what I did there)

I can see Ally and Camila mucking around and I know there just friends. But I can't help but feel jealous. That should be me.

She doesn't even give me any acknowledgement. I just can't take this anymore. I stand up and walk to my bedroom. I usually stay in there since I can't bare to see her face, especially when Harry is over. I close the door and fall to the ground. my tears fall like Niagara Falls.

I pick myself up and go to my bathroom and get a blade out. I pull up my pyjama sleeve, since I'm too lazy to actually wear normal clothes. And I look at my bare skin and press the tip if the blade on to my skin. I slide the blade across my wrist.

I sigh in pleasure. All my troubles and agony feel like they slipped away just for those precious moments. But then they come back. Harder and more bigger.

I slit my wrist 4 more times until I hear a knock at the door. I totally freak out. I can hear footsteps I hide the bloody blade and wash the blood. The doorknob wiggles and as about the door was about to fly open I get a hand towel and put it on my wrist. I just hope the blood doesn't bleed through the towel.

Dinah's head pops through the door.

"OH. There you are dawg. Simon wants us to be at the office in ten so get ready" Dinah says

I smile and nod

"Hey what's with the towel?" Dinah asks with a confused

"Well..uh..it is a bathroom for crying out loud this is where you wash your hands if you didn't notice" I say barely finding an excuse "maybe Ally was right about you in math class. Your not that bright are you" I smile at her

"Hey! I may be the youngest but I'm not the smallest so you better watch out" Dinah tries to put on a serious face but we just crack up laughing

"Ok now leave I need to get changed out of my pjs"

I shoo her away and I put on my galaxy leggings and a hoodie that says 'free hugs', to hide my fresh cuts.

I walk out and I feel someone jumps on me. I scream in a fright. The person finally let's go and gets off me. I was about to tell the person off when I notice it was Camila and instantly calm down.

"What the heck Cam. What was that for?" I smile like a kid in a lolly shop. But I don't care because this is probably the first time in weeks since Camila has even touched me.

"What? your jacket says free hugs so I got my free hug" Camila pouts. Oh my god she's so adorable.

"Yeh I think you got your hug and the whole of America's" We laugh. Wow I can't remember the last time we've actually laughed together, and not a fake one to pretend we actually talk to each other. It's just so good to even talk to her.


Yeh sorry i haven't updated in a while but I had so many assignments. Ugh. School kill me now.

So what do you think I should do next?
Love to hear ur thoughts, on anything really. wow that sounded creepy but whatever. And thank u guys for all the views and votes just wow. 800 views for about 8 parts I didn't think it was that good but thanks.

I may not update in a while because I have a lot of assignments due

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