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No One's P.O.V

Lauren is usually thought of as the tough and sometimes rude person. Shown off to the world as the 'bad ass' of the group, the confident one. But really, deep down, you'll see a scared and frightened little girl. Pulling this act towards others is how Lauren stays unharmed from people, act like this strong confident girl so no one can hurt her. Build up her walls, putting more and more layers than before, so no one can get through to her. But one girl did break down her defences, Camila, and look where that got her. Emotions and hormones spinning through her, begging for her heart to slow down. Wishing that Camila was like the others, that she couldn't make Lauren feel the way that she does. Camila is Camila, and she certainly isn't like the others. But that's what made Lauren feel so happy, that's what made Lauren love her so much. Because she isn't like the others.

Lauren knew that Camila would follow her when she walked out of her room. A part of Lauren didn't want Camila to run after her but yet a part of Lauren wanted for Camila to spin her around, and give her the millions of reasons why they should be together. She wanted to hold Camila forever, to tell her that she is the most beautiful creature she has ever laid eyes on. To tell Camila she loves her.

But then again Camila isn't like the others.

Camila could destroy Lauren in the snap of her fingers. Have Lauren at the putty of her hands. She has the power to make a confident independent woman into a shrivelled little baby. Even if Camila isn't aware of the powers she has she is still a big threat to Lauren's well-being. At least that's what Lauren believes, but Lauren has been wrong before. Like she thought she'd never reach her dreams, but she did. Like she'd never get to perform in front of thousands of people, but she did. Like she'd never find the person who'd make her life better, but she did. Like she'd never fall in love with her best-friend, but she did.

Lauren may not see how badly she needs Camila in her life. But that's why she has Camila, to show her the true meaning of life.


Camila comes barging out of her bedroom. She scans the hallway, and sees the silhouette of Lauren's figure. She runs after it and calls for Lauren's name. But Lauren starts to walk faster and is eventually running down the stairs. Just wishing that no one will witness the scene that is about to unravel.

"Stop avoiding me" Camila screams

"Ca-Camila just leave m-me alone" Lauren pleads between breaths, still running from Camila.

"No, I love you. Just please give me a chance" Camila eventually catches up to Lauren, and pulls Lauren's arm to face her. Lauren gives up because she knows Camila will just keep bringing this up, and she can't keep avoiding her. "Look me in the eye" Camila shifts Lauren's head up, so Lauren would look at her. "Lolo-" "Don't call me that" Lauren interrupts.

Camila hurt even more by Lauren's words but she will stay strong for Camila and Lauren. Even if Lauren has given up on them, Camila won't and never will

"What?" Camila obviously shocked "I said don't call me 'Lolo'. I just- I just don't like you calling me that, sorry" Camila takes in a big breath

"okay, Lo-Lauren. I know you said you don't love me but I do I know we have something here. So ju-"


"Please, just let me finish" Lauren nods slightly to show she will be quiet "I know you can feel it, the electricity between us, and I don't want to let that go. Because are my everything. You give me hope when I have none, you make me strong when I feel like giving up, you make believe in myself when no one does, you fix me when nothing else can. So, look me right in the eye and tell me you don't love me"

"I...I.." Lauren stutters not able to get her words out. Going through her head what could happen if she told Camila she loves her. But more importantly the things that will occur if they don't patch things up between them. Lauren tries again to spill her feelings but fails. Camila staring blankly with hopeful eyes but they slowly fade away into sad droopy orbs. "I got the message but don't tell me I never gave you a chance, because I did. But I guess this is what you want so have a happy life with Luis" Camila walks away, not letting Lauren finish what she was saying.

Lauren watching Camila disappear from her brings up the old memories of them, whether they were good or bad it still managed to make her smile. Then images of Luis popped in her mind and even though they had great times they never had Camila times. Luis and Lauren never laughed at the silliest things. Lauren not once cracked up laughing at one of his cheesiest jokes. They never read books together, they never stole glances at each other, they never had 'true love' and as cheesy at it may sound Luis isn't Lauren's 'Prince Charming'. Then she started to think about the future, her future with Luis and her future with Camila. Is Luis even ready for a future with Lauren? Even if so she could never think of a reality where life was better with Luis, than Camila.

Even if Camila may destroy her and crush her innocent heart, then Lauren would gladly give up her heart to be crushed by Camila. Because if it was anyone who was going to destroy Lauren it would be Camila, Lauren's Camz.

"I LOVE YOU!" Lauren shouts on the top of her lungs. Camila whips her hair back and faces Lauren. But instead of a happy face Lauren was inspecting Camila had a gloomy expression written all over her face. "Too late, Lauren, it's just too late." Camila turns her back towards Lauren and starts to walk away. But stops to a halt and turns around with a big smile on her face, leaving Lauren in confusion.

"Got you, didn't I" Camila says grinning. Lauren taking a while to figure out what Camila was talking about, but then soon realising she was pretending. She was pretending to leave her, and Lauren is grateful she loves her because really Lauren wouldn't even know what she would do if Camila didn't. Camila jumps into Lauren's arms, with Lauren barely catching her. Lauren lifts Camila up and gives her the most passionate kiss, and Camila can definitely say it was way better than Harry's sloppy work. Lauren spins her around, like you would see in the movies when then girl goes running to the guy on the beach. Cheesy and sappy? Yes, most definitely, but it's Camila and Lauren we're talking about. Camila, the most cheesiest and dramatic person you'll ever meet, and Lauren, the most romantic and charming girl you will encounter.

Lauren lays Camila back down onto the ground.Lauren didn't even realise how hard her heart was beating until Camila pointed it out when she laid her hand on Lauren's chest.

"Whoa, your heart it's beating so fast"

"And it's all for you. I'm sorry Camila for being an absolute idiot and,well, bitch. I don't deserve you"

"Lauren don't call yourself that, don't ever, we love each other and that's all matters"


"No buts" Lauren giggles at Camila's comment


"nothing it's just that you said butts" "oh, shut up. Here I am trying to comfort you and your making fun of me"

"no, I'm sorry" Lauren still having a smile plastered on her face. Lauren couldn't be more happier because maybe for once her life is getting back on track.



I may not update in a while because school is well school and work is picking up. So, sorry

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