The Truth Comes Out

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The thing about love is that it can either blossom into something beautiful or it can shrivel into something unwanted. Love is something you can never be able to understand, it's something unpredictable. Something that can be easily destroyed by one little crack. Maybe, that crack won't destroy the precious bond, that two people have instantly. But over time it will shatter and it will leave a scar. So, it's better for things to be out in the open, than for things to boil up and explode. Those are the consequences of love, and Camila is about to find out about the side effects.

Lauren puts her hand in hair in frustration, as she always does.

"Why don't you just tell me the truth?" Lauren yells, at Camila.

"Lauren, calm down" Camila moves forward, to hold Lauren. Obviously confused in what Lauren is insinuating, and just tired of Lauren's recent behaviour. Lauren has been really un-edgy with Camila, which isn't normal for Lauren. You would never see the one without the other, always by each other's side. But, recently it seems that Lauren is having second thoughts on her and Camila's relationship, and Lauren has finally decided to act on her suspicions that the younger Latina is hiding something.

Lauren just moves back and swats away Camila's warming arms. "why are you acting like this? I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Camila, just cut the act. I have been through enough heartbreaks and I don't need another one to add to the list" Lauren scoffs "So, if you're still dating Harry then just tell me"

"What!?" Camila yells, in defence. She can't believe that Lauren would even dare to think that Camila isn't faithful to her. "Are you serious? Do you really think I would do something like that? If you would really think I would do something like that then you really don't me, and honestly I'm quite offended"

"Just tell me, do you still have feelings for Harry?"

"No of course not!" Camila's face turning into a fuming red.

"Then why don't you ever talk about him?"

Images, very disturbing images, come back in flashbacks. It nearly destroys Camila. She still can't believe how just by his name how emotional and hurt she can get. Camila keeps pushing and ignoring the fact that she's scared of getting hurt again. She knows Lauren would never to anything like that to her, but she also thought Harry wouldn't hurt her too.

"Can we please talk about something else" Camila whispers.

"No, we need to talk about this now or it'll just come up again, and I don't want our relationship to be unsteady. I want us to trust each other. I know your hiding something, so please, tell me. What are you hiding?" Tears start to form in Camila's eyes. She looks down in shame, and prepares herself for about what's to come.

"H-he did something t-to me."

"What did he do? Did he try and make a move on you?"

"N-no" Camila lifts her head and faces Lauren, tears in her eyes. Lauren lifts her hands and wipes her tears away. "He h-hurt me"

"What do you mean, he hurt you?" Lauren asks, begging Camila won't say what she's thinking

"He" Camila takes in a big breath, regretting everything she's about to say. But she knows she has to tell Lauren.

A tear falls down Camila's face. Guilt sweeps over Lauren, regretting bringing up the topic. Lauren moves forward, and wraps her arm's around her girlfriend. She pats and rubs Camila's back, trying to comfort her. "Baby, please just tell me. He obviously did something to you and I want help you with whatever it is" Lauren says in a nuturing voice. Camila escapes Lauren's grasp, and rubs the tears out of her eyes.

"Wh-when we were to-together" Lauren cringing at the thought that Camila and Harry were ever a couple. " Lo just promise me you won't get angry" Lauren gives her a weird frown, confused at why she would ever be angry at the younger brunette.

"I wont, if I don't have to"

"Lo, please, just don't do something you will regret"

"Okay" Lauren surrendering into Camila. But still un-easy in the atmosphere. Different situations going through her mind, from Harry flirting with Camila to Harry in-appropriately touching Camila. Lauren clenches her fist, at the different scenarios of Camila and Harry.

"He hit me"

"He- what!" Anger runs through Lauren. Going through the different methods she is going to make Harry a living hell.

How dare he hurt my Camz Lauren thought to herself.

"How long has he been doing that!" Lauren screams and pacing back and forth, in anger.

"Babe, it's okay" Camila lays her hand on Lauren shoulder.

"No, it's not!" Camila flinches back, at Lauren's sudden outburst. Lauren's dark emerald eyes turn back to her light misty eyes.

"Sorry, Camz. But he can't just do that to you and get away with it" Lauen says in a more caring softer voice. "How long has he been doing that you" Lauren again pushing the question, on Camila

"Pretty much the whole time I've been with him" Camila says in a whisper.

Lauren storms put of the previous room, Camila and Lauren was in. Of course, Camila hot on her tail chased after her.

"Where are you going?" Camila yells after the older girl.

"To teach Harry a piece of my mind" Camila, finally catching up to Her girlfriend, lays her hand on Lauren and swivels her to face Camila.

"What do you mean by that? Lauren, just please don't do anything you will definitely regret"

"Oh, I won't. I certainly won't regret doing anything, to him" Lauren's eyes turning back to the dark fierce eyes she had on before, and showing off a cheeky smirk.

"Lo don-"

"No, Camz he can't just torture you an-" Lauren interrupts Camila

"Lauren Michelle!" Camila yells, sending a deafening voice. "Don't you think I don't want him to rot in jail. I would love that. But it's in the past now, and I just want to keep it there. So, please Lauren don't go over to his hotel room"

Lauren tries her best to listen to her pleading girlfriend. But she just can't seem to let it go. If Camila won't do anything about it then Lauren certainly will.

"I'm sorry Camz, but I have to" Lauren looks in her younger girlfriend's eyes, and then turns away giving Camila her back. Lauren reaches for Ally's car keys and out the door. Before Camila could protest Lauren zooms away in Ally's car. Even though, Lauren doesn't have a driving license, the emerald girl doesn't care. Because there is only one thing on her mind, and that is revenge.

Are We Meant To Be? (Fifth Harmony fanfic-Camren)Where stories live. Discover now