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I am still standing were me and Chris just had our conversation, it hurt hearing him say that he loved her more then ever loved me although I understand we weren't even together for a year. And him and Astrid has been together for about four years.

I am over him for sure it still just hurt for some odd reason, if it was the old Alison she would just shake it of and go back to being confident, but after I left Norway I turned really emotional, I am not as tuff as I was when I first stared school. Chris made me weak and I never recovered.

"Hey Ali, the wedding is starting now" I hear jack voice say behind me. I put a smile on and turn back to him and walks where the ceremony is going to be. Me and jack made our way to our chairs. I look at the chair and see our names on it, and I looked at who was sitting next to me, and of course it was the jerk Chris.

I sit down looking forwards to were William and his best mans were standing right now waiting for the love of his life. Chris were standing next to William and another guy were standing there too. And Eva and Caroline were standing were Noora soon would be.

I looked down at my hands and saw my hands starting to shake, this is like a warning before I get a huge panic attack, and it usually happens when I have a lot in my mind. I start breathing little bit heavier. And now even Noora was coming out, but I couldn't focus on her right now.
I needed to stop this panic attack before I past out on a wedding and drawing attention to myself.
But as more I try to stop it just gets harder to breath. I get up on chair fast and now everything was blurry, when I stand up. I look around fast and everyone was starring at me, literary everyone. I start walking fast out of the place they had the wedding. And as I take a step it feels like they are strangle me.

I go out from the ceremony and go to the bathroom they had there. I go in the bathroom and my breath is still very heavily, breath, Alison breath I say to myself but nothing happens I am still out of breath. And then the last thing I now is that I fall to the ground and everything is just black.

Chris' POV

What I said to Alison was mean, but she wouldn't care because that's how she is and she moved on clearly. But didn't meant it, I know me and Astrid has been together longer then me and Alison were, but Alison she is something I don't know why I felled for her so hard. Maybe because she weren't like other girls, or maybe it was her past that made her so special to me, but anyways I really got hurt when she left. People always thought I didn't care when she left since the only thing I did was fuck girls, but it was only to cover up the pain she left on me.

I was standing by Williams side waiting for Noora to come. I saw the joy in Williams eyes as Noora came.
I looked at Astrid who was sitting with everyone else, she looked back at me giving me smile. But then my attention and every one else's attention goes to Alison. She stand up and her skin color looks pale and she looks like she just seen a ghost. She walks out and everyone stare back at William and Noora. And I can't seem to stop thinking about Alison, What happened I want to go out to check on her but then Astrid would ask and her so called boyfriends. After the ceremony Alison were still not back. And I just got so much more worried.
Me and Astrid go to the group that were talking and laughing. It was now the after part and everyone had a great time except me because I was worrying my ass for Alison.

"Hey guys did you see were Alison went?" I ask the group.

"I've tried calling her and look for her but I can't find her" Her boyfriend says.

"Yeah, why did she go out from no where?" Noora then asks.

And as we all talk we hear a scream, we all turn to were it came from and it's not coming from here. The scream turns louder and crys for help.

"Someone call 911" the person scream and I Recognize the voice. It was Carolines voice. We all look at each other and run to were the scream came from. and Not only us, some more people run out too.

I then see everyone standing were the bathroom is. I go pushing them to see what is happening. And then I see something that tear my heart, and I just froze and I don't know what to do instead I just whispers her beautiful name.


Sorry for a late update I have so much going on in school. PLEASE COMMENR AND LIKE BABES!!!!!!!!


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