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Alison's POV

I was looking at myself one last time in the mirror before I get out of the hotel room.  Yes I was still staying at Chris hotel, and I will until I can go back to my lovely California.

Today I was going out with Caroline and Noora. I was happy I could spend more time with them while I am here in Norway. I haven't told them about my cancer, and I won't. They will just freak out and worry about me too much.

I press tags elevator button and wait for it to come. The doors open and I step inside the elevator.

I press the button to the floor I was going to. The doors open and I step out. I asked the reception to get me a driver before so didn't have to wait for it now.

"Hello Mrs.Smith, your driver is waiting for you, this way please" A man in a suit told me. I smile at him and follow were he was going. And of course there was a bunch of paparazzi here.

"Alison! Where is Jack?"

"Have you guys broken up?"

"Why are you still here in Norway?"

"When are you going back to California"

All these questions and I ignored every single one of them. I just got in the car and drove to the café me and Caroline and Noora would meet up.


Me and Caroline where sitting in the café waiting for Noora. She was late which never happens so it's pretty weird, but me and Caroline both ordered a cup of coffee and cheesecake.

"So how long will you be staying here?" Caroline asked me and took a sip of her coffee.

"I really don't know yet, but I am not leaving at the moment" I say to answer her question, I really didn't know. I have no idea how long the treatments take so.

"Really? What made you stay?" She ask me. "Could it be Chrissssssss" she says in a very childish tone.

"Caroline oh come on of all people him? Besides I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend" I say and raise my eyebrows a little bit.

"So you guys haven't talked" she asks and it feels like she already knows the answer of the question.

"No, last time I talked to him was at the hospital" I lie it's pretty funny since I've slept with him yesterday.

"So what did you talk about then" she says and I am starting to get really annoyed by her questions.

"Caroline it's none of your damn business" I say to her and she just make a chock face.

"Excuse you, you are my sister which means we are like one person everything you know I need to know, and every thing you do I do to." She says and I just laugh.

"Ew it came out very wrong" she says and laugh.

"What made you stay here for real tho" she asks this time more serious.

"I just missed you all and wanted to be with you guys a little bit longer" I say and smile at her.

@Alisonsmith: sitting here waiting for Our Noora who is late!
Tagged: @ItsCaroline @Nooramagnusson

@Alisonsmith: sitting here waiting for Our Noora who is late!Tagged: @ItsCaroline @Nooramagnusson

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I was in my hotel room now, it was some hours ago I came back home from the café. It was great talking to Noora and Caroline. I really missed them and knowing I would spend more time with them made me so happy.

Jack is coming home tomorrow I was really happy he did but I felt so bad. I know what I did was so wrong. I shouldn't slept with Chris but I just couldn't stop myself. My head said Don't do it but my heart screamed do it. And I stupidly listen to my damn heart. I cheated on Jack and I don't know if I should tell him. Did I feel bad for Chris girlfriend? Hell yeah I did she was so nice to me and the first thing I do is fuck her boyfriend.

If I tell Jack now maybe he will leave me and I can't deal with that specially not now. I know it don't seem like I love Jack but I do. I love him so much I don't know if I could go through all this shit with the cancer treatments without him. I can't loose him now. I just can't.

Tomorrow I also have a appointment with my doctor. Who knew I would end up with cancer at the age twenty? Not me. Was I scared? Oh boy I was terrified but I couldn't show it because that's just not the way it works for me. I always have to stay strong even when I am very weak.
I didn't even realized I was crying now, and then I hear a knock on my door.
I quickly Wipe away the tears and make my way to the door.

I open the door and there is someone I did not except to be here right now.

"Jack" I say and smile and attack him with hug. And he puts his hands around my waist and hug me tightly.

"I thought you would come home tomorrow" I say still hugging him.

"Well surprise" he says and give him a kiss.

"Hey were you crying?" He asks when he looks at my face.

"No why would you think that?" I say fast and give him a smile.

"Ali come on I know when you cry, your cheeks gets all red."  He says and I did t even know that I guess he knows me better then I do.

"I was think about you know uhm cancer" I say. And his eye just stare at mine for the longest time.

"That's why I am going to do this"he says and I was more confused then ever.

"Ali when I found out that you have cancer I got so scared. Living a life without you? Is scaring me to death. I know they are going to cure you, so that's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. I want you to be mine forever. So that why I am asking you"

"Will you marry me" he says and gets down on his knee and take out a little box out of his pocket.

And that's when my hearts stops. Should I say yes and marry him or should I try again with Chris?

Omg what do you think she is going to do guys?!?! Love u all
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