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(Chris POV)

The dinner was finished and me and Charlie were sitting together the entire time, I could feel how jack and Alison were starring at me the hole time. I find that care tho, Charlie is the only person I care about at the moment. She is so precious, and I can't believe Alison never told me about this.

If William and Noora wouldn't get married, I wouldn't have meet Alison again and I would never know about Charlie. So I am happy at the end I did meet her, and this won't definitely not be the last time.

"Charlie darling we are leaving" Alison says and wakes me up from my thoughts.

"It's crazy how Chris and Charlie got along so cute" Astrid says and they all laugh. Oh dear god if you only knew.

"Chris is really nice and fun mom I want to meet him again, we are best fiends" Charlie says to Alison. And Alison just nod and smile but I knew she was dying on the inside.

"Of course Charlie do you want to meet tomorrow too, I can pick you up from your moms house" I say to her and she starts jumping and saying yes multiply times.

I hug every one and say good bye, and when I going to hug Alison she just looks at me.

"Don't" Alison says when I am going to hug her and then she walks away with Jack and Charlie.

Next day

Alison POV

"I can't believe him" i say and walk around in my room with Jack laying on the bed and Charlie in her room.

"He just had to do something with Charlie today, or does he even need to meet her again?!" I almost scream.

Hey, hey Ali you know that both Charlie and Chris deserves the truth, and don't blame Chris for trying to get closer to his daughter" Jack says and hugs me.

"I know, but I am afraid he say something to her today, I will tell her the truth but not yet, I don't want Chris just to say it to her" I say.

"Then go with him today when he is taking Charlie out. It will get you a chance to talk too." Jack says and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah okey, I guess that's a good idea" i say and kiss him back.

I get a text from Chris saying that he is here, I grab my bag and Charlie.

"Come on honey lets go Christoffer is here" I say to her and she jumps in joy.

"Mama are you Chris best friends" she asks me when I am about to close the door.

"No honey we used to be" I say to her.

And Chris pulls in, in our driveway,
With a black Mercedes benz. He steps out of the car and he looks attractive as always.

"hi Charlie" he says and gets on his knees and Charlie runs and hug him.

I do have to admit that this is very cute in that I am a little happy that he knows about her now, because these four years of missing him has also get me anxiety about how she's going to think about her father in the future.

I do feel guilty that I haven't told him about her, but I just have so much hatred against him I just the thought of him would make me sick. But I know if I was in his shoes and I just found out that I had a child who is there for you so I would be heartbroken.

Because seeing Charlie grow has been the best thing is my life even though her father is Christoffer who also broke my heart into million pieces and making me hating myself so much that I wanted to kill myself.

"Hello gorgeous" Chris says and get up with Charlie in his arms.

"Christoffer" I say and just adore how cute these too are.

"Uhm, I decided to come to you know so we can all talk" I say nervously.

"Yeah absolutely it will be fun all three of us" he says and we get in his car.

We are currently at a park, and Charlie found a friend and is now playing with her, and me and Chris and I are sitting on bench little far away from the park. But we can still see Charlie clear.

Chris is judging watching her and I am just watching him, and I feel like I need to break the silence.

"Christoffer" I say and look down at my hands.

"Yeah" he says still looking at Charlie.

"I am sorry that I kept her away from you is just that I was so angry and hurt and -" I say but he cuts me off and I except him to yell back at me for being selfish but instead he surprise me with his answer.

"Please don't apologies, what I did was horrible and I regret it everyday, I know i missed out four years of Charlie, but I am here now and I am never leaving" he says and he now holds my hands. And I feel I tear slip down my cheek.

"And if you decide to run away again I will follow you, I am not leaving Charlie or you, and I am not giving up on us either." He says and I have to admit that I am still in love with, I actually think I never stopped, and I don't want him to give up on me either, I want him to fight for me because I want to be with him so bad.

I don't care about Jack, I don't need Jack the way I need Christoffer.
Sure I do love Jack, but I can live without him, but I can with Chris and plus he is the father of my child.

"Christoffer I love you I never stopped loving you, gosh I crave you, I need you, I need to feel your love again because it's seems that I can't breath when I am without you, damn it Christoffer you are like my cigarette, I am addicted to you, you are like a drug and I just can't quit loving you, you could kill me but I will never ever stop loving you" I say breathless and looking him right in the eyes.

"Marry me" he then says and I think my heart stopped beating.

"W-what" I ask because I think I didn't hear right.

"Marry me Alison smith if that's how you feel and then let me just tell you that I feel the same way, I love you more then you can ever understand, and now that I have a child with you its only better, I can start a family with you which is a dream come true" he says and I am still in shock.

"Alison I love how confident you are, I love they way you smile, I love the way you have raised Charlie, I love the way you even breath. Fuck Astrid and Jack, break of the engagement and fucking Marry me. Make me the happiest man on earth." He says and I am speechless, but for some reason. I don't think twice before saying my answer.

"Yes, yes oh my god yes Christoffer" I say and holds his face in my hands and pull him in for kiss. And at that moment all I can think about is how the pain from these four years is gone. I have him now and I will never let him go. Not this time.

Love you babes
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