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Chris POV

I was getting ready to go out, I was looking one last time in the mirror before I head downstairs. I see Astrid sitting in the kitchen staring down at her phone.

"Hey Chris I was thinking we could go out tonight" she says and smiles and comes up to me and put her hands around my neck.

"Sorry babe, I am going to visit Alison in the hospital" I say and take her hands away from my neck. She sucks out loud.

"Oh come on you have been there every day these past four days" she says annoyed.

"Astrid she is in coma, are you seriously going to argue about this" I say and I was getting very annoyed, I go and grab my jacket.

"What about tomorrow" she asks.

"Sorry can't I have meetings and I was thinking I could swing by Alison after that" I say and I am not thinking that I have been spending time with Alison more then with her.

"What were you and Alison in high school and don't lie to me" she says as I was just going to walk out the door. I turn around and go forward to her and hug her tightly.

"We were really good friends, she was the only person that I would always have deep talks with, she was always there for me and I want to be there for her now" I say still hugging Astrid and giving her a kiss on her head.

"Yeah i get it I just miss you" she says. And I feel bad because I am in love with another girl and she is in love with me. And the thing is that I have been in love with another girl for four years ever since she left me.

I did love Astrid too but not the same way as I love Alison. I don't think I could ever love a girl the way I love Alison, it was just something else with Alison.

"I see you later darling" I said and pulled away from the hug and took my car keys and headed out.

I usually have a driver that drives me everywhere but I needed control, and I have that when I drive and made my way too the hospital.

I park the car and get out of the car luckily there was no paparazzi here, which I am vet happy about, who knew I would turn in to Oslos richest men? And most famous. All because I own the biggest hotel in Europe.

I go inside the hospital and get greeted by the woman in the reception.

"Here to see Alison?" She asks me and I am surprised she knew I was going to visit her. But I guess I have been here four days straight made her recognize me.

"Yeah, she okey?" I ask waiting for a answer.

"She woke up this morning" she says and i open my eyes wide. She woke up. And the next thing I know I am walking really fast to her room. I don't even bother knocking on the door. I just open the door and there she is sitting in her bed with Jack by her side and Caroline. She looks like a goddess even tho her skin is paler then normal and she looks more skinnier.

"Alison, you woke up" I say. She just look at me and then look down at her hands. She is probably angry at what I told her at the wedding. I don't blame her, she has the right to me mad at me.

"Hey, jack I am going to grab some coffee want to come?" Caroline asks jack. Which I am very happy because I wanted to talk to Alison alone.

"Um yeah sure, Ali you okey if I leave" he asks Alison. And she just nod to answer his question.

Jack and Caroline go out and I give Caroline a small when she leaves as a thank you for leaving me alone with Alison.

I go and sit in the chair that is in front of Alison bed.

"Alison" I start.

"It's Ali" she says back fast and angry.

"Come on you know I never call you Ali" I say to her and try to grab her hand but she pulls away her hand.

"What do you want from me, first you told me that you love Astrid more then you ever loved me. And now you're here feeling pity for me" she snaps at me.

"Alison I didn't mean it, I just wanted to make myself believe that. When the truth is I can't love anyone just as much as you" I say to her and she looks at just.

"You can't do that" she says.

"Do what" I ask confused.

"You can't come back and tell me you still love me and that you will never love anyone as much as me."

"And why is that" I ask her.

"Because damn it Chris you have a wonderful girlfriend that loves you. And I have a boyfriend who I love very much."
She says.

"So what you can't break his heart, you did it to me and a lot of other guys before" I say a little bit annoyed.

"Chris that was before, I am not like that anymore." She says.

"Bullshit you clearly are since you're still eating those damn pills and throws up every time you eat" I say a little bit louder.
And that when I notice that I shouldn't say that. I look ate Alison and see a tear come down her cheek.

"You don't know what hell I've been through after I left you" she says.

"No Alison, you always think that you just had it hard, did you ever think of what I felt when you left" I say to her and i get up from the chair.

"Christoffer you didn't love me for gods sake" she snaps and this time even she is almost screaming now.

"You keep telling yourself that, but you know how much you meant to me" I say.

"Yeah right that's why you moved on so fast and got another girlfriend just after two months after I left" she says.

"I did and tried everything to keep you off my mind but everywhere I'd go you would be there. The face of every magazine, being on the biggest wall. I have brought every magazine you been in so don't tell me that I didn't care or loved you"

"I just don't want to get hurt again" she says almost whispering.

"It hurts so much when the person you love more then yourself let's you down" she says and her voice cracking. And that's when I know that I didn't just hurt her. I destroyed her.

Omg this chapter breaks my heart.
I hope u all liked this chapter babes.



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