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Alison POV

I think I'm falling in love again but for real this time, I mean I am in love with Jack but loving Chris is in the same thing it's just special and unique. Me and Chris were standing around everybody and still we were kissing when this was his and his girlfriends anniversary party. Was a selfish yes I was but I couldn't careless I needed him right now, I was craving him.

Our lips were connected and it has never felt this good I didn't want his lips to be separate from mine never again. But sadly it had to end when someone put it in their hand on my shoulder. Mine and Chris lips were no longer connected as I looked back. The person that plays their head on my shoulder was Jack's hand. The boy that is only show me love and has never disappointed me or betrayed me. And yet I was standing here kissing another boy when I was engaged to him. I don't deserve Jack he doesn't deserve this awful game that I'm playing. My mind is telling me to be with Jack because he is the best for me I know that he will be the most loyal husband. But my heart says Chris your first love. I daily lie to myself. I say to myself that I am in love with Jack and that I am totally over Chris but come on I know it's lie, you know it's a lie, for God's sakes everyone know it's a lie.

"Alison" Jack says and I can see tears forming in his eyes. Guilt is spreading all over my body.

"Jack it's not what it looks like" I say stupidly because it is what it looks like.

"How could you do it is to me what did I ever do to make you cheat on me" he says.

Jack I am so sorry I love you and this kiss means nothing, I swear it's just a kiss" I say without even noticing what's coming out of my mouth.

Jack says nothing the only thing he does is working out of this Hell party.
I quickly looked back at Chris and I just see him staring down at his feet. Let's just say my heart wasn't speaking when those words came out of my mouth, it was my brain that told me to not get hurt again because that's was only going to happen if I was with Chris he didn't one he can Easley do it twice. I run outside to Jack I guess my mind won.

"Jack jack please don't go" I scream as I see him outside, going inside a car.

"Just tell me why did you kiss him" he asked me.

"I don't know I really don't but one thing I know is that I don't want to lose you, I never want to lose you you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I feel so damn bad that I have hurt you, and I know that you probably do not trust me anymore but I'm begging you for second chance" I say crying my heart out I wanted Chris so bad but I knew very good that the only thing he would do to me is hurting me and after last time I just couldn't let that happen again.

"I just been so scared that you were going to leave me, because to much shit is happening to me at the moment" I say to him and more tears were coming down my cheeks.

"Don't say that, don't even think that" Jack says and gets closer to me. And takes my hand.

"Do you see this ring on your finger, why would I propose to you if I wouldn't stay with you" he says and our heads were against each other's.

"I am so sorry Jack I regret it so much, I was just so scared" I say as a excuse to what I did.

"It's okey but I feel like you do not trust me, feels like you always think I am going to leave you. When I never will"
He says and I just feel so much worse.

"Could you not try to see him anymore" Jack says to me. I understand that he doesn't want me to be around him anymore.

"Yeah but you do realize we are living in his hotel right" I say and laugh a little.

"I was thinking that we should buy a house here, you know we are going to be here a while and we always travel so I was thinking maybe we should call Norway our home" he says and my heart is beating faster.

I did truly love Jack but the problem was that I was in love with Chris to.

"I thought California was your home" I say to Jack confused.

"Ali, don't you get you are my home, when I am with I feel safe and home so were you are I am there too. I don't care as long as I am with you." Jack says and then kisses me passionately just like Chris did a few minutes ago. But something wasn't right. The feeling of this kiss wasn't like the kiss with Chris.

I am so sorry for a such a late update but school has literally eating me up alive or like now more like dead but still, anyways I am about to update more so please comment like and vote love you babes❤️💋


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