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Chris POV

Today i had another big party, but I'd throw this part because it's mine and Astrid four years anniversary. Even tho I had feelings for another girl I still needed to show to Astrid that I sort of loved her too, but I didn't. But she didn't know that.

But i did once love her and that was something, and it will always be something no matter what. She was there for me when I was a mess. And for that I couldn't just tell her that I didn't love her anymore.

Maybe if I throw this party it would make Alison jealous, and then I know that she really likes me, and I might have a chance. But we first got to we on her last nerve.

@Chrisschistad: 4 years ago I asked you on a date, best decision I ever made. Love you Astrid.
Tagged: @AstridS

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Alison POV

"Another party?" I ask Caroline.

"Yes, but this one is more bigger you have to wear a evening dress!" She says very exited.

"Do I have to go" ask her and she just give me a look that means yes.

"Uhm. Of course you have to even tho you both have moved on I still ship you two" she says and I just laugh at her.

"You do know I am engaged right" I ask her and still laughing.

"Whatever I still have hope" she says and still laughs.

"So were is Jack by the way?" She asks.

"Oh he has a photoshoot today" I simple say.

"Oh, is he coming tonight" she asks me.

"Girl I don't even know if i am coming" I tell her.

"Why is he even throwing so many party's?" I ask her.

"It's his and Astrid four years anniversary today, so I guess they want to celebrated big" she says.

"Oh" that's all I say. Because that is all that comes out of my mouth. I don't know how to feel about this. It hurts a little bit bit, but it's a Little bit relieving too. Because that means that I can focus on mine and Jack relationship. Lately the only thing I have been thinking about is Christoffer, and I shouldn't. And he probably thinks that I am falling for him once again. But I am not, okey yes we had sex and kissed but that Doesn't mean a shit to me.  I have Jack and I have never been happier.

"So are you coming?" Caroline asks me.

"Yes I am" I say confidently, Chris probably thinks he can hurt me by throwing a big party for his girlfriend, but little do he know that I am the devils twin sister, if he want to play a game, then game on bitch.

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