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Ali's POV

I was currently sitting in my hotel room alone eating ice cream and watching The vampire diaries. My favorite show ever, words can't deceive what a huge crush I have on Stefan, like dammmnnnn his jaw could kill anyone. I was sitting there in peace when someone knocked on the door. Jack isn't in Norway at the moment he flew home to California to get us most of our stuff here, since I packed my bags for only a few days.

I got up and Opens the door and there he is. Christoffer.

"What the hell are you doing here Christoffer?" I say and walk back to the couch were my ice scream was.

"You do know this is my hotel right" he says and a pause a bit. Until I realize he owned Europes biggest hotel.

"Well just because it's your own hotel Doesn't give you the right to go inside your guests room" I snap back at him.

"I thought you would be leaving" he says and change the subject.

"Well something is holding me here" I say and eat some ice cream.

"Could it be me?" He says and smirks one of his famous smirks.

"Oh boy you wished" I say and roll my eyes.

"No but for real what's keeping you here?"

He asks and this time a little bit more seriously. He says and goes to the mini bar I the room. There was a table with som whiskey in a very pretty glass holder. That looked like a crystal. He took the glass pour it up with whiskey.

"I don't want to talk about it" I say simply. I didn't want to talk about because then he would feel pity for me and that's the last thing i want.

"Alison smith" he starts off.

"What's going on what could be son as you wouldn't tell me about it" he then says.

"It's not like you have cancer or some shit" he say and I think my heart stoped beating.

I just look down as I would always would do when I felt uncomfortable. Him saying it loud made me realize it's actually true I have cancer.

"Actually" I start.

"I do have cancer, gastric cancer I found out yesterday" I say still looking down my hands.

I don't Hear anything from Chris it's like he is not in the room anymore. I look up and see him just look at the glass in his hand filled with whiskey.

"Cancer?" He says and cleared his throat.

"Yeah, but I guess shit happens" I say try to convince myself that everything is going to be okey.

"Yeah but shit always happens to you" he says and I just froze.

"Right I should died that time I try to kill myself" I say and chuckle a bit trying to make this situation not so sad. I get up and stand in front the gig window that shows the while view of Norway.

"Stop" he says.

"What is true" I say and I feel his hand on my shoulder from behind.

"If you died that day I would never meet you" he says still standing behind me.

"Yeah and if I died that day I wouldn't get my heart broken like you did to me" I say.

"I just wish this could end it all" I whisper to myself, but it was loud enough for Chris to hear it too.

He then turns me around, and put his both hands on the sides of my head.

"Damn it Alison stop saying that! Do you know how the people around you is going to get effected if you die?!" He says almost screaming.

"Do you know how it feels for me right now, knowing you might die?!" He screams now.

"Please tell me it's a sick joke you're playing with me and you don't have cancer" he says and there was tears I his beautiful eyes.

"It's not" I say. And there he is the boy who I talked for so damn hard crying in front me.

"Alison, please tell me they can cure you" he says.

"They can but it's a long process and a little bit scary since I am throwing up blood" I say.

"You are the strongest girl I ever known please don't give up easily. I beg you fight it" Chris says. And hugs me very tight. I feel really safe in his arms and it just feels so damn right. It feels like I belong here I always did. I then pulls of the hug and me and Chris is still very close to each other. He leans in and know were this is going, but I just can't go away instead I lean in too.

The sparks. The fireworks. The explosions. All in my body every single nerve is screaming of his touch and his kiss. Our lips were finally connected again. It felt so good, i didn't realize how much I missed his soft lips.

The kiss was very passionate and it got even more passionate if it was even possible. His hands reach my shirt and in one second it's on the floor. I take his blazer off and unbutton his white shirt.
We go to the bed still kissing each other not letting go of each other.

"You do realize we are both in a relationship" I say between the kisses.

"I honestly couldn't give fuck at the moment, I need you, I crave you right now so bad I can't Control myself" he says and while he is kissing my neck.

"We can't tell anyone" I say.

"Never" he says and just smile.

"Then what the hell are you waiting for" I laugh.

"Oh goood, how I missed you, your body, your heart, your scars, your curves, your everything.

Yayyyyyy two in one dayyy

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