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Alison's POV

"What happened doctor" I hear jack ask Someone.

"Alison have panic attacks as you might know" a random voice said.

"And she got a panic attack and she past out, but the problem is that Alison has been taken some sort of pills that makes it very hard for her to wake up" the random voice says.

"What pills, I have never seen her take any pills and I live with her" I hear jack says.

"Well looks like she has been taken it for a long time, these pills help you to calm down and sleep. And her body is very weak because it's very dehydrated, do you know if she have eating disorders?"

"Eating disorder? No she is always eating" jack says and I hear on his voice he is very confused.

"Young man looks like you don't know her so well" the random voice says.

"But I just wanted to inform you that she is now in coma, but we are trying our best to save her, but in this moment is all on her she is the one that is deciding if she is going to wake up" the voice says one again.

"Wait, is there any risk that she's not going to make it" jack says and his voice almost cracking when he says make it.

"Is all on her shoulders, there isn't much we can do. Right now it's her mind that fighting with her. You can try talking to her most people her you even when they are in coma" the random voice says.

What is happening?

Where am I?

And why can't I see anything but I hear everything?

And then it hits me like a punch when I think again of what Jack and the male voice say. The panic attack when the wedding was going to start. The bathroom when everything just went black. The words that Chris Said, when I acted like I didn't care when it actually effected me a lot. Those words was sharp as a knife and they made a deep cut in my heart, I don't know why I got so damn hurt when he said that to me. I mean i knew our relation was based on a lie, but it still hurts so much. He was after all my first Love so. I want to hate him so much, but I can't.

"Hey,is she okey?" He voice that breaks my heart every time I hear his voice.

"Yes, well actually no" jack says and is he crying?

"She is going to make it right?" I hear Christoffer ask.

"To be honest I don't know, they say it's her mind that is fighting with her" jack says. So what do they mean with It's all on me?

"Oh.." I hear Chris say. Oh? What the fuck it's his fault I am hear he just had to kill me with his mean words.

"Alison told me about your past with her, did she really only mean a bet to you" jack said rude, and I was happy because now i would sort of Rest In Peace.

"No, god no she meant the whole world to me, I tried so many times to get out of that stupid bet but they wouldn't let me they said the would tell the whole school that I killed a girl and I was already tired of hearing my parents call me a murder everyday." Chris Said and i was in shock, damn I should be in coma all the time I get to hear things I would never hear if I were awake.

"She was the one that stood up for me when my parents were bringing me down and for that I would die for her, I mean I know I was young but I knew she was the love of my life, but when she found out she lost it. She was already struggling with those damn pills, her eating disorder and her dad. So she just left, she gave up."
Chris said once again, his words gave me shivers, he would die for me?

"Did you say pills and eating disorder" jack asked.

"Yeah, she was having problems with eating, she would eat but then she would always throw up, and she took some pills to calm down" Chris say, oh fuck.

"Did you know that she is waking up because of that now?!" Jack says.

"She still have those problems?" Chris asked surprised.

"Yeah, and I didn't even knew about it" jack says.

"Don't feel bad she is a pro at hiding things" Chris said.

True that.

"Hey would you mine if I could talk with her a bit alone" Chris asks jack. And jack is quite.

"Uhm, yeah sure" he says unsure.

I hear the door open and close and I know that now I am going to die for real.

"Alison" Chris starts.

"My beautiful Alison" he says once agin.

"I don't know if you can here me but I don't care, I need to get this if my chest" he says and I want to scream can he just say it for gods sake.

" I can't kill you too, I know it's my fault that you are here I know you acted like you didn't care when I told you those words before the weeding, but I know it was killing you on the inside" he says and my heart breaks a little bit when he says I can't Kill you too. It's not his fault. Maybe just a little bit, but I am the one that's taking pills and not eating.

"Alison I love you so god damn much, I can't describe what you do to me, these past years has been hell for me even tho I got a girlfriend that loves me and I have the best job you could wish for. Because I knew you were somewhere trying to start over, and you starting over meant me and you where dead." Chris says and he was crying now.

"I swear to god if you wake up I will make you mine again, I don't care if that's the last thing I do, you are going to be in my arms again so please fight so you can wake up and I will fight for you" he says and with that I feel a little tear slip down my cheeks.

Sorry I haven't update I just have so much shit in school!

But love you all!!!!!!


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