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One : A Gift

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One : A Gift

"seeing the beauty
through the pain."

243 years later

"You're ready." I hold my breath, it still feels too early. I need another decade, maybe century, but not now.

The lady bug tickles my palm, trying to break free while a sunflower turns to ash in my other.

Essence from one to another.

Miss Boissonneaua smiles at my pathetic attempt of a grin. I wish I can be happy about returning to the loop.

February 17th 2015 is the year of our most recent loop. Our ymbryne likes to change loops quite often, a fresh start every few years. She's quite young for one, or her appearance is at least.

"You can always visit you know? But I wouldn't be your protecter if I didn't let you go, you have a tell. It's in those ocean eyes of yours. You miss them and that's your home." Her smile doesn't leave her lips while her hair glows it's deep purple.

Akai stands up from her spot on the ground, she grazes the wilted rose and watches it bloom. She too can bring life to another being, just not as advanced as I could become.

She's intimidating considering she has four hundred years on me and looks no older than fifteen.

"You're afraid of what you can do without even knowing what you can do. I've tried to show you that your peculiarity can be a gift, not a trade." She waits for my reply before sighing heavily "You treat it as you must give what you take and that is what's​ wrong. It's hard to explain but one day you'll know."Akai looks the tree up and down, examining and sizing it up.

"I envy you." She speaks with such confidence, it has me choke on nothing but the sweet air. "I envy the way the life flows through you, never leaving your body, all you have to do is touch a tree and you're charged." Akai laughs out almost bitterly. "Me? It took me years to even help a peice of grass from turning brown — I only get so much before I'm drained. I meditate for hours on end to get enough to help a chipmunk."

She watches her hand like it will suddenly burst from all the energy it has.

"Show me something. . . Extra." The smile on my lips is vicious, taunting. I rest my hand on the cool bark and grow a small flame between my fingertips.

The old evergreen tree suddenly bursts into a tower of fire, the smell becoming stronger with each second. Before we can stop it, the flames eat the wood to nothing but ash and I silently hope there were no animals.

Akai laughs when I float the ash and spread it around us. The soil soaks up the residue and small seedlings pop up moments later.

"How about water?" I know she's testing me, seeing if I'm losing my gifts slowly. If only her red eyes weren't so luring.

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