bonus : the wedding

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Bonus : The Wedding

"So you're positive?" The lace itches Katerina's chest and she couldn't help but scratch before Horace slapped it away.

"Obviously Katerina. It's beautiful, it's one of a kind." Horace made final touches to his dress, after all he did reinvent it.

"You're sure?" Katerina assured a final time causing Horace to roll his eyes and sigh heavily.

"They don't say I have class for nothing Katerina." He groaned and the blonde didn't have the power to bite her tongue.

"But they don't say it at all." Horace dropped his jaw with shock, looking at her through the mirror and making Katerina laugh.

The dress was white, lace making intricate patterns along the ivory skin of Katerina. Horace was just fitting it to her body correctly and adding his own touches to the dress, pinning the veil to her blonde hair with a beautiful clip he had found in his items.

"You're truly amazing Horace." Katerina breathed out as she took in her reflection, she really was beautiful.

"This is your something borrowed by the way, I do want it back, it was my mother's." Horace smiled down at his masterpiece, overjoyed and prideful with himself.

The Blair girl grazed the clip with her fingertips, she could feel the energy around it and she wondered if the item was old as she was.

"I can't thank you enough Horace, never in my wildest dreams would this day be so perfect. You've been the most amazing wedding organizer, honestly how can I repay you." Katerina turned her body towards him and took his hands in hers. They were soft, unsurprisingly.

Horace chuckled and fixed the veil so that it framed Katerina just right.

"My only wish is that you don't ruin my art." The blonde boy placed a gentle kiss on her hand.

Katerina was glowing as she did a small twirl and left the room to mentally prepare herself.

"Just how I saw it." Horace patted himself on the back for his visions, only the real thing was much more vivid than he expected.


"My sister would've loved this you know." The beauty of it all was tad much for Katerina, but she couldn't help but see her sister in her gown, preparing for a wedding that's over the top. "Victoria Blair. She was born to be a bride, that was for certain."

Jake smiled at his close friend, his family, she wiped her sweaty palms on a napkin.

"It was all she talked about, so many eligible men in our village. She kept of track of who was fond of who and things like that." The Blair girl laughed at the memories. "I would've loved for them to be here, of course my father wouldn't care for Enoch's skinny arms." The Portman and Blair chuckled before the music started and Jake held out his arm.

"That's our cue."


I can feel everything. The music, breeze, warmth, anxiety, everything. I can feel Enoch's dark eyes burning through mine, he's so handsome.

Horace really is magic.

Each step I take I find myself holding tighter onto Jacobs arm, he's giving me away. It seems right. Florida is nice, perfect. They're all here, even Abe.

I've missed him so much.

We reach the end of the aisle and I let go of a breath I had no idea I was holding onto, this is it, I'm so happy.

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