Who are you?!

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Scorpio's pov
I was walking thru the woods cause curiosity got the bast of me. As I was walking I felt as if I'm being watched but brushed it off thinking it was just animals starting at me. Soon a few men came out and surrounded me. "Look at what I found, a little boy," I guess the leader said with an evil smirk. "What should we do with him since he crossed our territory," said a guy with a six-pack. "Let's have a little fun with him," he chuckled. Soon the leader pushed me to the ground. I winced in pain but try not to let the pain get to me. Another guy hit my arm with a damn baseball bat. The continue doing this I was almost out of breath. "One or I guess two more things before I go," he said as he grabbed a sword and slashed my whole arm in a straight line from top stopping at my hand. He did it agitated this time on my leg. I screamed in pain I couldn't hold it anymore. I soon see a girl figure come in front of me. I suddenly passed out.
Pisces pov
I heard a scream I grabbed my sword and I headed to the sound. I see a boy bleeding to death. I looked at the crew and used my water powers to send them away. I didn't have time to play with them. I went up to the boy he was still breathing but he is losing a lot of blood. I picked him up and run with him in my arms. When I got home, I grabbed my first aid kit I stoled from the castle and patched him up. I was kinda bored and decided to take a closer look at the boy. He had black hair like charcoal. He looked weird to me maybe cause I haven't seen humans in like what 7 years. I looked for a zodiac sign on his arm it was not there weird. I soon remembered that I to don't have it on my arm I have it on my hand for a weird reason. I looked at his hands and on his right hand I saw his sign, Scorpio. So he is one of the many demons I herd of. Well I decided to make food for when he wakes up.
Scorpio's pov
I opened my eyes and tried to get up. I winced in pain. I guess I haven't fully healed yet have I. I looked at where I was. It was a cabin with a very ocean theme walls, flooring and furniture. I then saw a girl who put a plate on the coffee table next to the bed I was on. "Your awake um let me help you sit up," she said as she help me up. "Um I made some food for you and my name is Pisces," Pisces said as she hands me a warm plate of soup. I took it and tried to eat but it was a challenge cause my injury on my arm. Soon Pisces took the plate and started feeding as a baby. I gave a weird look like what the frick is going on? She didn't care. Weird, creepy woman, but I decided to go along with it cause one food and two no more pain. After the creepy moment she said," well you should be getting some rest Scorpio." I was shocked at what she said. "Wait a sec how do you know my name and second how long am I staying here. She replied with," I looked for your zodiac that so happens to be on your hand and second it may take weeks for them to heal completely." I groaned and slowly laid on the bed. "Well if you need anything call me night," she said with a smile. 'She is weird and creepy' I thought to myself and soon fell asleep.
Pisces pov
Well off to bed. I walked to the living room and slept on the floor cause the couch is evil when it comes to sleep. I thought about how I treated Scorpio today. It was like reliving in the past but better. I soon turn off the lights and went to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~
It was morning and decided to check on Scorpio. He was still fast asleep so I made breakfast. I then here foot steps and wincing coming down the stairs. I put the plates on the table and headed to the stairs where Scorpio has only moved three steps. "Do you want me to carry you to the kitchen," I asked. I know, I sound like a creep. "Um but aren't I heaven or something...?" he asked. I was hungry so I just carried him to the kitchen. He was surprised well actually who wouldn't be. "Um may I ask you something," Scorpio said. "Ya what is it?" "Why did you save me back there if I'm a demon?" He said looking down at his food. I looked at him and said," You   don't deserve to die like that."
Scorpio pov
I looked at her blue-green eyes. She is so caring, yet strict. "Um well I guess thank you..." I said while rubbing my neck with my arm full of scars. "Well tell me about yourself," she said in curious/ happy tone weird. "Well I'm a demon. I moved to this dimension cause my parents lost there jobs in the demon realm. Also broken up with a girl that never cared about me," I said. "I bet she was stupid... well I lost my parents at the age of two then I was sent to the orphanage..soon I was adopted and it was horrible being a servant of a rich family so I ran away at the age of eight," she said with a smile.

S: "Well what now?"
P: "Well I was going to pick some berries you can come if you want"
S:"Ya sure," I said thinking it's not a bad idea at all.
??? Pov
Don't worry we will be back together and that brat won't be in the way of our true love. Hmm... but how should I do this. I guess only time will tell how our love will go and if she will live or die.

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now