A new member

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Cancer knew she was ready but needs to do one more thing before he dies. Luckily Pisces was a quick learner. The last lesson Pisces had was to unleash the power of the water gem which contained Cancer's blood. Soon Pisces was able to unleash the power and she was transformed into queen and in her hands was child which looked similar to cancer (the pic above). Pisces looked for cancer only to find a letter reading:

Dear Pisces,

You have finally learned to open the crystal and by the time you read this I have died. The child that is with you was made out of my own blood and your magic. Please take care of him he is a cancer which is necessary to the water kingdom.

Ps- cancers are the second powerful leader of the zodiac which is why they are important.


Pisces felt sad after reading it but looked at the child and named it after his "father". She then headed outside which resulted in every being astonished.

Scorpio's pov
I saw Pisces with a child in her arms and some tears stain her cheeks. She then took a deep breath and explained to us what happened. I then looked at I guess our new baby. I was happy we had a new member in the family. The king and Queen looked at each other still surprised and started to whisper to each other. (Amanda is playing outside :3) Then they looked at us and the to each other. The king spoke," I will like to give you guys some outstanding news.." Then the queen spoke," the angel and demon law will be lifted." I looked at Pisces and then back at them. Both of our jaws dropped  and soon I can hear Pisces squealing but it was quiet enough so the baby won't wake up. "Really?!" Pisces whispered. "Yes we diced since you guys have two children already and will be living here," the queen said. "Thank you so much," we both said. The queen giggled and the king kept looking at the queen almost drooling. I shrugged it off and hugged Pisces but not hard that I hurt the kid.

Pisces's pov
I looked at our child and then realized that Amanda hasn't met her brother yet. I soon headed outside and called Amanda. I explained everything to her and she was so happy to meet her new brother. We were so happy until the news came that Leo has come back to the Fire kingdom which was a bad sign. I diced that we should build an underground castle so if Leo diced to attack we have shelter. I then put out new child, Cancer, to bed. Soon we all headed to sleep.

Leo's pov
Ugh another day and I lost her. I need a plan of attack. I soon see my wife, Sagittarius, looking at me madly. "Can you stop thinking about that and pay attention to me for a moment!" She screamed at me. "Look I'm sorry but I just can't be at peace till I achieve my goal," I said with a bit of anger. I then hug her and kissed her head and set off to sleep.

Its baby I'm om nom!!!! Also hope you guys liked this! See ya

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Its baby I'm om nom!!!! Also hope you guys liked this! See ya

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now