New life

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Aquarius's pov
I looked at the horses but one caught my eye. (I'm Aquarius the stable boy.) She looked so beautiful walking around the stables and meeting other horses. I examined her closely and see that she is from the Fire kingdom and also that she was Pisces's horse. Wait is Pisces a spy... Wait I can't make conclusions right now I need more evidence. I saw the little girl come up to me. She was Pisces's adoptive daughter, Amanda. Her green eyes looked towards me and her ears seem to show shyness. She then said, "um..hi," she did a small wave. I waved back and said,"hello Amanda." She was sure surprise that I knew her name but I bet she put it aside and decided to get to the point. "So who are you supposed to be?" She said tilting her head a bit and crossing her arms. "Well I'm the stable boy,Aquarius, and you should head over to your farther or mother they might be worried.. Also your going somewhere special,"  I said in the sweetest voice I had. "Oh ok then see you later Aqua," she said as she waved and soon disappear into the castle.

Cancer's pov
It was finally time to see the queen Pisces and the stable boy...,Scorpio... We had a dark past me and him with the original queen.

C- cancer
S- Scorpio (original)

C- hey scorp can I tell you something
S- sure.. Is it private? 
C- ya it is so lets go to the stables
S- oh ok then
*at the stables*
S- so what you want to tell me?
C- promise to not tell anyone
S- promise
C- ok so I like the queen..
Scorpio's eyes widen and you can see there was fear, sadness and anger in them but he looked ok with it
C- is something wrong
S- no it's just that I like her too..
C- oh... Why don't we just let her pic ok
S- ya sure we'll see you later got to get back to work
*Flashback over*

At that point I despised Scorpio but then got my heart crushed knowing they were together and having a child. It just pained me which resulted in them not being together anymore after the war. I know it's selfish but at that time I was angered by the fact I lost my love. I soon heard horses coming so I just headed outside to great them. I then see Queen Gemini, King Capricorn, two adults and a child. "Ah I see your up early cancer," she giggled knowing I will always be late for these kinds of things.   "Enough to chit chatting let's discuss inside now," said Capricorn with his booming voice. We headed inside and explained everything to me. I looked at Pisces and told her to come talk privately to me. She nodded and followed me. "So what you wanted to talk to me about?" She said in a sweet voice. " Tell me about your past," I said sternly. So she did as I asked her and see that she had some relations to Leo the king of the fire kingdom. She also told me she loved Scorpio but can't truly be with him because of the rule. I felt really bad but I only have so much power. I soon told her she will be in training with her daughter so they can soon rule this land and I can live my days in peace.

Thank you for all the support!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you like this chapter :3 *bounces around but falls* I'm ok

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now