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Pisces's pov
After all that has happened we have finally made it home. My wrist was kinda red from what has happened but I'm ok. I looked at Amanda to see that she looked quiet tired. I picked her up and me and Scorp headed home. As we arrived I decided to put our child to bed.

"Mommy.." Amanda said sleepily.
"Yes Amanda," I said looking at her.
"Are you and dad together?" She said looking at me.
It stunned me knowing the actual truth. I just can't be with him at all. If we do fall in love with each other sooner or later we will be killed.
"No I'm sorry Amanda," I said in a sad voice.
"Why mom?" Amanda said.
"Because am an angel an he is a demon...we can't fall in love with each other," I said wanting to burst into tears.
"Do you think that will ever be lifted?"
"Maybe maybe not but now go to bed ok," I said and she soon fell asleep.

I left her room and headed to the living room were Scorp was at. He looked at me with a questioning look on his face. I said nothing and let tears run down my face just knowing the reality of things.

Scorpio's pov
I looked at the stars for a bit. The stars were like glitter that you put on paper. I then headed inside only to see Pi was crying.

"What happened Pi?"
She looked at me and the hugged me. She was full of tears. I told her to sit down on the couch and to explain what happened.

           "It's just.. we can't be together," she said while wiping her tears away.
I then look at her and made her sit on my lap.
"Shhhh... it's ok I'm here now don't worry," I said and soon she finally calmed down. I made her head face. Towards me and the kissed her. She was kinda surprised at what happened but then she didn't care and went along with it.

"I love you ok no matter what," saying that she then fell asleep on me. I looked at the ceiling and then at her.
'I wonder.. will that rule ever be lifted?' I thought to myself and soon fell asleep as well.

Amanda's Pov
I woke up to the sounds of the birds singing their beautiful melody. I then changed into a pink shirt and I put on a skirt suspenders. Then I headed to the kitchen. I see mommy sleeping on dad. 'Maybe she was just sad and dad helped her get better... I don't know' I thought to myself. I then ate breakfast and then decided to play with some blocks I found last night. I love mornings because I don't know. Maybe cause they are really pretty and amazing. I then checked on mom and dad only to see dad was already awake and mom was still asleep. I walked up to dad and poked him.
"Hi dad," I whispered to him.
"Hi Amanda... how long have you been awake?" He whispered back.
"Long enough to get dressed, eat and see you and mommy sleeping on the couch," I whispered and smiled at the end. Dad seemed to turn pink but I didn't mind. He the gently placed mommy on the couch and took me to my room to brush my hair.

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now