One shot

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Pisces' pov (whoops)
I was thrown into a cellar and hit my head against the wall. I see that Leo hasn't changed at all from when I last saw him.  He will usually do this to ser vents who rejected his orders or who think that they can control him. I've been here many times cause of him so it wasn't really new. Soon I herd footsteps and that person opens the door and runs away. That must have been a servant but why did she let me go? I diced I would escape and try to find out what happened to scorp. I start walking around making my way to my old room. I then hear some mumbling from the office. So I walk over there. "Ok so what did Scorpio said?" It was Leo. "Oh don't worry I have it all under control soon he will love me once more," a girl voice said. I kept listening hoping to get more information. "Well in a few minutes it's the sacrifice if you want you can come and watch it." "Of course I will like to see that I'll make sure to be there with Scorpio" "ok then see you," Leo said as he hung up the phone. I look at my hands wondering what am I going to do. I then felt two hand holding mine. 'Oh no...he caught me,' I thought to myself. "Aww were you going my little angel," Leo said as he lifts my head up to face him. He then kissed me. My eyes widen at what he has done. He soon let go. "Why do you act like you love me but then you want to kill me," I said wondering why. "Oh I'm not going to kill you I'm going to revive you again," he said looking at me. "What do you mean?" "Let's go inside the office I will explain everything," Leo said as he drags me to the office. He then sat me down on the bed and he grabbed a chair for him to sit on. "Ok then [takes a deep breath] you are an angel," Leo said which got me really confused. "Tell me the truth Leo" " I'm not kidding you are a descendent of an angel who can manipulate water" I couldn't believe what he was saying. "And the resin for wanting to kill you is so you. An revive and be a normal human being who will love me till the end," he said. I looked at him and then at the floor. Soon I started to think about Scorpio and how he was a demon and all the time we spent together. Tears soon started to run down my face at the thought of that. "Hey don't cry well be together don't worry," he said making me face him. I looked at him and then kidded him which ended up him getting hit by the wall. I ran and escaped. I don't know why but I felt something that was leading me somewhere maybe home I don't know but I diced to follow it.
Scorpio's pov
Ella was on the phone and I overheard their conversation. It pained me to hear those words but I must not show it. I looked around the room to see if I can escape this dump. Soon Ella came back and lifted my head and kissed me. "Hey we are going to see a little angel die today," she said with a smirk on her face. She then unlock the chains and then said, "now don't you go running of or she will die permanently," she said. I felt free yet trapped. I then diced to take a look around. I opened a covered with love letters I made for her. I read the oldest letter and it said:
Dear Ella,

   I love you. I can't wait till I fully move over there so we can hang out more. I'm just so glad you aren't a pesky angel who only cares about themselves. Well I can't wait!

We'll see you soon,

I read it one more time and regretted everything I did for her and what I said. I ripped the paper and thru it on the ground. Ella has came and gasped then ran over to pick up the card and cried. "Why did you do that Scorpy?" She said holding the pieces in her arms. "Cause I don't have felines for you anymore and I regret loving you," I said looking at her straight in the eye. She then started full on crying. "What happened to you Scorpy what happened to the one I loved and cared for the most,"she said like a child begging for a toy. "The one you loved?!" I said practically screaming," heh you mean the one you cheated on, the one who you will always leave to flirt with other boys, the one who you gave up on after all he has done for you! You don't deserve another chance or anyone in matter a fact" she looked at me scared out of her life after I said that. "Well I guess I have done some horrible things during our relationship but please I promise i won't do that again please I beg of you give me another chance," she said on her knees clenching her fist and looking down," at the same time you can't love Pisces cause she's an angel." I looked at her then at the floor. "I'm going to break the rule," I said blankly. "What no don't do it I don't want to see you dead please take me back and we can live the happiest life you and me together," she said. I then looked at her "stop saying lies Ella". Then out of nowhere I hear the door break. I run over there and I couldn't believe it was her. She came back. I was so happy I my heart skipped a beat. I go run over there and hug here and then suddenly...

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now