New start

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Taurus gave Lilian and her friends the update that Capricorn was trying to conquer the fire kingdom. Lilian thought he was corrupted by power while Taurus argued that it's an opportunity to expand on this land and create new things. Pisces was working on the kingdom's map so Lilian can try to create it. She is still pretty stressed on who would join her kingdom and what should happen. She decided that Scorpio can help her and asked him to search thru the book if he found anything so they can have a foundation and start from there. Leo and Sally were expecting a kid . Amanda was teaching her brother on how to walk and talk. Everything was fine until...

Scorpio's pov-
Pisces was stressing out a lot. Heh I don't blame her. I mean we have to learn how to run a kingdom we still haven't made yet. I go check up on Amanda and I saw her playing with her brother. I smiled at them and then headed toward Leo's and Sally's room. I knock on their door and I see Sally with a towel to cover herself. I was surprised, but try to push that aside. "Um...M..May i speak to Leo," I asked hoping she understands the situation. "Oh of course I'll call him," she said as she closes the door. After a bit of waiting the door opened once again to reveal Leo.
"So what is it?" Leo asked closing the door behind him. "Well I need advice on ruling the kingdom because we need a water kingdom.." I state.
"Oh I see... I can try to see how the kingdom was build and rules after that we can recruit on people after the people's gained enough trust we work on army," he responded. This will take a while.

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now