Our love

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Pisces pov
I started to feel that feeling stronger. I was getting closer. Then I heard a girl and Scorp what seem to be like arguing. I then had enough waiting a broke down the door. I then see Scorpio and he runs up to me and I cried. I can't believe it he's alive. Then I heard what seems to be a snake flicking it's tongue. I turn my back to see a medusa like creature headed towards us. Scorp went in front of we and turn into a demon like thing. I thought he wasn't a demon.. I thought he just had the sign just because. They kept fighting while I try avoiding all the attacks. Soon I see Scorpio almost on his last breath. I run up to him and see he is in very bad condition. I cried then look at the hideous beast. My eyes were full of rage and anger. I was practically blinded by the anger inside of me. Suddenly a blue and gray sword appeared. Then my clothes turned into a simple dress and my hair looked like water. I started attacking her with all my might. She was on her last breath when suddenly Leo had to come. "What are you doing to Ella,"Leo said running up to her. "Oh I don't know she tried kidnaping Scorp and tried killing both of us," I said I pure rage. "Still doing this Pisces you know better than to do this," Leo said with sympathy. Soon I was just filled with anger angel wings appeared and I killed her. I looked at what I have done. 'I killed someone..I did that..' I thought to myself. I then ran away I couldn't take it anymore.
Scorpio's pov
I watched as Pisces left and how Leo smirked. I try my getting up but I was still weak from all that fighting. Then Leo comes in and says," oh look little Scorpio can't get up how sad." I look at him with a death glare he just laughed. "You can never win her heart after what she just saw so now go back to being dark while I start planning the wedding." He then slashed my arm with a sword. I winced in pain at this point I will just left myself due but I didn't. I then was able to pick myself up and stand up. I started to walk outside and call Pisces name. I looked like a zombie at this point. I then found a fiver and washed all my wounds even though it burns a lot. I then hear crying from the other side of the river. I walked over there and it was a little girl with golden, silky hair; blue, ocean eyes; and is wearing a purple dress. I felt bad for so I diced to ask her what's wrong. "M-my parents died a-and now I'm all alone," she said. I felt really bad for her so I give her a hug and she seems to stop crying. "What's your name?" "My name is A-Amanda" "Nice name want to come with me on a trip," after saying that her eyes lit up and she said yes. "Well cmon there is no time to waist at this point."
Leo's pov
Finally I get some proper alone time. I followed Pisces to an old willow tree were she sat there crying on how she killed someone. All I need is to get her on my side and burn her so I can have her power. I walk up to her. "What do you want Leo!" She said shouting at me maybe even China heard it. "Sheesh calm down" "leave me alone" "why don't you let me help me Pi" more tears appeared when I said Pi "cause you are a stupid jerk who is a spoiled brat who all he cares for is himself" she said as she gets up and gets going. "Well I changed pi" "ha like that will ever happen I know you for to long to know if your lying." She says. I'm already steaming mad that I can't have a talk with her without her getting mad at me. As many attempts I tried she still neglected. "Ok no more nice Pisces-she says in a happy voice-" she then takes out a sword with a smile. "Now leave or meet the same fate as the snake demon," she said. I then left I need a plan of attack.
Pisces pov
Finally he is gone. I walk deeper into the forest and I hear some chit chat. I follow it and see Scorpio with a like five year old girl. They soon spot me. I couldn't help myself anymore I ran over there and hugged Scorpio. He then let we go and looked at me straight into my eyes. "Oh this is Amanda her parents died so she has come with me," he said as the girl looks at my shyly. "Hi," I said waving at her. She then moved a few steps closer at me and then hugged me. I diced to hug her back. I diced I will take care of her. Well I mean if Scorpio wants to... "Do let's go home now," Scorpio said as he seemed sad that he interrupted this sad moment. "Ya sure cmon Amanda let's go," when I said that her heart must have skipped a beat cause she smiled so big. "Really?!" She said hoping it was a yes. "Yes really but let's get some food along the way.
~~~time skip~~~
We finally arrived home and have gotten a lot of food. I started to make food for us since we haven't eaten in days.
Amanda's pov
I look at the house it was amazing. I was also happy. I have a new mom and dad who will stay with me."Hey dad where do I sleep?" Scorpio seemed shocked at first when I said that but then relaxed. "Ask your mom," Dad said. So I did and I ended up sleeping with mommy.

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now