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As the days go on Pisces's companions follow her to the deepest part of the forest were her friend Lilian lived. Lilian opened her door and was astonished to see Pisces and the two kids.

Lilian's pov

"Pisces how have you been?!" I said almost falling.
"I'm ok actually but I need your help," she said in a worry tone.
"Well what do you need Pi?" I said looking at the baby in her arms.
"We need shelter or something to protect us from Leo," she said trying not to wake the baby up.
"Ok look explain what is going on and then me help," i said and soon everyone went inside.

Soon everyone sat down and Pi explained me everything.

"Wow that must be a rough life," I said looking at their little girl Amanda. "You guys can stay at my place for as long as you need it" "But we are 6 people how are we going to fit in here?" Said Pisces's husband Scorp.
"I think you forgot I'm a fairy darling I could fix that problem," I said confidently.
"Really lily remember you tried to give me pink hair but it ended up in swamp green and also-" Pi said until I cut her off.
"Ok ok I get it but I'll figure it out," I said.

Pi went to the kitchen to cook. Scorpio is taking care of the kids and the royals are  hanging outside. Taurus should be here any moment to give me the status of the kingdoms. I looked outside and saw Aries and Libby. I ran outside and hugged them. Of course I surprised them and both of them hit me at the same time.

"Wait Lilian?!?!" Said Libby.
"Yup the one an only," I said I picked myself up from the ground.
"Oh sorry Lilian didn't mean to hit you but you scared us," Aries said looking at my house.
"Hey you guys want some lunch Pisces making some," I said and soon my stomach started growling.
"Wait Pisces you mean the Pisces who was found but ran away with the two royals of Earth and Air?" Aries said he is always technical.
"Yes Aries now who wants food?" I said.
"Me!!!!!" Libby shouted.
"Ok but be quiet Pisces has a baby with her so shhhhh," I said and we head to my house.

We all ate and after I finished my plate I headed outside and tried to make my house bigger. I was able to do it with a few mistakes. My house is now a mansion in the deep dark woods.

"Wow you really outdid yourself lily," she said while holding baby Cancer.
"Thanks Pi but you have to get some sleep so I'll show everyone their rooms.

Leo's pov
We searched for another shelter until we stumbled upon a mansion. I soon here mumbling. Me and my wife knocked on the door only to be greater by our worst enemy.
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