The past

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Scorpio's pov
We followed the queen to her castle. When we arrived she decided to let us stay for a few days so we can understand ourselves. To me it's sound like non-sense but who cares it's the queen. The maid called Mary showed us to our rooms and gave us fancy clothes for the "meeting" we are having.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
As we arrived at the benches outside I can see the queen with another man. We sat down and started to talk.

"Oh I'm so glad you guys decided to come," the queen said as she looked at us.
"Well we are so glad you invited us," Pisces said with a smile.
"Well I'm glad and this is king Capricorn"
"Nice to meet you all," the king said with a kind of shouting voice.
"Well what did you wanted to talk to us about," I said.

Then the queen retook a deep breath and explained that my parents weren't my real ones. She said that my parent both Scorpio's went to war when I was two years of age. I looked at her surprised and astonished at what she said.

Then she said," during the war your mother died and your father disappeared never to be seen again."
"So how did I ended up with my foster parents?" I said almost shouting.
"I don't know all I know is the information I have told you," the queen said sadly.

Pisces's pov
I look at Scorpio to see he couldn't believe it. I rubbed circles around his back trying to call him down. Amanda was also worried. She then hugged him which made me happy and made Scorpio calm down a bit. Then the queen starts talking about my past. She said that my mother, a Scorpio, ran away with me because dad told her so. They never found her again all they found was a necklace with a heart locket.

"May I see what's in it?" I said.
"Yes, you may," she said as she hand me the locket.
I opened it a see:

(Something like that but the dad has blue eyes)

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(Something like that but the dad has blue eyes)

I closed it and hold it in my palm tight. I then see the queen and she looked sad. I just sat there looking at the locket and tears are filling my eyes a bit.

"If you want you may keep the locket," the queen said.
"Thank you," I said to her looking down.
"You guys may go to your rooms it seems like you need some time off," the queen said.

We all went to our rooms. I then see that Amanda peeked into my room. I see that she was really worried.

"What's wrong Amanda," I asked her.
"I just wanted to see if your ok mommy," she said as she looked at me.

I then go up to her and hug her. She smiled at me and I smiled back. We then spend the whole day talking about my past.

There you go I explained further about their past. So hoped you like it.
:) bye

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