Wait what?!?!

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Pisces pov
It's weird having Scorpio around maybe cause we are, I don't know "enemies". He is a demon and I'm an angel, but I think it's something more than that. As I picked berries Scorpio tried as hard as he can to help me I smiled at him he smiled back. "Ok, this is enough for now. This looks like it last a month or two," I say looking at what we picked. "How can you know it will last you a month?" Scorpio questioned, as he looked at me with confusion. "I just know things," I reassure him, while putting the barrels of berries. "Um..ok then," Scorpio still seemed on the fence as I started to clean a plate and serve some berries in it. "Want some?" I said eating a berry. "Sure," he says smiling and eating the berry. 'Cute...wait what?! I must be crazy. D-do I love him? Nah I'm just crazy,'. I thought to myself.
Scorpio's pov
Why is she so nice to me even though I'm a demon? Is this a trap? I looked outside and back at her. I sat on Pi's couch. " I going take of the bandages now ok," she says in a happy tone. "Ok then," I said.
~~~~~~time skip till night time~~~~~
It was night time and Pi has asked me if I am going somewhere or staying with her. I guess I can stay with her like why not? She has everything we need to survive and best part no school. "If you don't mind I will like to stay," I said, hopefully she will say yes. She looked at me and suddenly she was crying but...why? Suddenly she hugged me while crying. I didn't know what to do so I petted her hair. She soon calm down. "S-sorry about that it's just I been so alone an-" "it's ok I understand," is said as I lifted her head to face mine. I smiled," well we better get some sleep it's late." "Well night," she said as she heads to her room. Somehow I was blushing when she left 'Wait..no ..I can't! Not again I don't need another heart break I am not in love with her at all' I looked outside the window and sighed then headed to the spare room..no wait my room.
??? Pov
I saw all that happened. Pisces won't get Scorpio. I head to "their" house and snuck into Scorpio's room. I grabbed duck tape and duck tape Scorp and took him to my lair.(not what you think you dirty minded people)(>‸<)Soon it was morning and of course he starts to panic what a wimp. He should be strong and not show how weak he is. That's the reason I dump him but now I will make him strong and love me again.
Leo pov -(◕‿↼) meh-
I was walking down the streets still wondering about why Pisces left. She was so pretty and smart. I just don't know why she would run away from a rich family and she took almost everything that we had. I saw a gate separating the village from the forest. I climb over the gate hoping I will find Pisces. I walk deeper and deeper into the woods and soon found a house. It wasn't big and, in fact, was as big as the ones in the village but cozy. I walked in hoping nobody will be there till...
Pisces pov
I heard the door open which scared me. I run down the stairs almost tripping but lucky I didn't. I peeked my head out of the wall and saw...Leo?!?! Wait what?!

"What are you doing here Leo?!"

"How do you know my name?!" I sigh and say," I'm Pisces your servant who ran away" then Leo comes running to me and hugs me. "I missed you so much but," he held me by the shoulder," Why did you leave?" I just didn't want to... be your servant," I said not wanting to hurt his feelings even after all this time. Leo looked down and it seemed tears were streaming down his face. I was about to put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him but instead he grabbed my hand and said,"We gave you a home, food and clothing and you you repay us with running away!" I was going to to explain, but shut my mouth. "I'm sorry to do this but I must give you the proper punishment...death," he said and started to drag me to the kingdom while I try to get out of his grasp. I was calling Scorpio, but he never answered did he not care or what?
Scorpio's pov
I looked to see Ella in front of me. Ella aka my ex. I looked at her and then to the floor. I felt cold no emotion my heart felt like stone. "Oh cmon Scorp, be happy I'm back," she said as she lifted my face with her cold hand. "The reason I left you is to never see your ugly damn face again," I say blankly.
"Well, while little Pisces is drooling over prince Leo, you are mine me"
"I don't want to be yours"
"well sorry about that, but Ill make a little deal with you but first a question"
"what is it?"
"Do you love Pisces?"
"Kinda..." she looked at me weird and then had a smirk on her face. "Well fun fact Scorpy, she is an Angel"
"n-no she can't be...can she?" I looked down with wide eyes is she really an angel if she is then...I can't love her"
"so the deal if you get back with me I will tell prince Leo to not kill little Pisces," she says with a smile. "fine I will..." my world has shattered. I felt empty and numb. Nothing can heal me at this point. "Aww don't worry darling she will be fine "
Ella's pov
Heh he truly believes me. He shouldn't have. Of course I wouldn't save that little brat. Who will save a stupid angel like her. Of course not me. Scorpio just needs to get back to his own roots and he will love me again. "ok now let's learn the basics of a Scorpio" I start teaching until...
Sorry for not updating I have school next week is texting so ya sorry (ಥ﹏ಥ) and thank you so much for the support I appreciate it (⁎•ᴗ•⁎)♡ (ღ•͈ᴗ•͈ღ)

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now